Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 537

Film-document №62763 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:18, Black-white to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:04

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Producer UFA

Operators: H.Yanzen,e.Shtollj,H.Urban,G.-E.Vinterfeljdt

Reel №1

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General government.

Holiday house German soldiers in the High Tatras, where they can improve their health before returning to the front.

Games, exercise in the open air.

The soldiers on the walk.

View Of The Tatras.

Exercises, competition in tug of war.

Eastern front.

The commander in chief land forces the General-field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch inspects the winter quarters of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern front.

With the officers it bypasses position.

The gun crew at the guns, aiming the gun.

The General inspects the barracks, which were perfected to keep out the cold.

He talks to soldiers, officers.



Military parade in honor of the accession of Romania to the Axis, which is adopted by the king of Romania Mihai I and General ion Antonescu.

The passing columns.

The guests of honor.

Air parade.

Motorized infantry, artillery, tanks.


Road construction with German help.

Solemn opening of the road Oslo-Bergen.

The flags of Norway and Germany in Geilo.

The orchestra plays.

On the road moving cars.

In the North of Norway.

The arrival of a ship with food.

Unloading fruit and vegetables for the army for a long winter.

Soldiers walk in the local town, communicate with residents, shop in the market.

A soldier with a girl in his arms.

Soldier milks the cow, she bucks, the local women laugh.

German soldiers clean horses, wagons, on horseback riding through the snow.

The ceremony of the new German recruits in Oslo.

There is a military band, soldiers marching.

The ranks in the field, taking the oath.

Rewarding soldiers, distinguished themselves in the battle for Norway, Iron crosses.

Key words

Poland, soldiers, tourism, leisure, sports, world war 2 Eastern front, world war 2, warlords, personalities, weapons, troops Romania, the parade, the air force, artillery, tanks, war world 2, sovereigns, personalities, statesmen Norway, construction, highway, parade, soldiers, population, orchestra, animals, rewarding, rewards, world war 2

Reel №2

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The restoration of the railway line Paris-Strasbourg.

The picture railway bridge, the bridge ready.

Military engineers inspected the bridge, helping to start the train moving.

There is a train.

The cars - German officers and civilians.


The meeting of deputies in Paris in the premises of the chamber of deputies.

Scene seditious speeches against Germany.

Alfred Rosenberg, head of the foreign Department of the Nazi party, arrives at a special session and made a speech about the liberation of France by Germany.


Collection of winter things in Paris for the population of the former border regions at the call of Marshal pétain.

Young people are taking things, putting them on the truck.


Wounded German soldiers on Christmas eve make toys for children.

Wooden clowns, the moving end of the line ships.

The national socialist women's organization with children visit the wounded in hospital.

The children sing Christmas songs.

Soldiers talking to a girl.


The German shipyard.

The construction of military ships.

The hull of a submarine in the woods.

Welding, rivet, painting.

The descent of the submarine into the water.

Key words

France, bridge, railway, world war 2 France, conference, personnel, war world 2, statesmen France, youth, humanitarian aid, world war 2 Germany, soldiers, wounded, children, toy, war world 2, Christmas Germany, shipbuilding, world war 2