Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1943 № 652

Film-document №62835 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:27, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:47

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Speaker of the military industry successes.

Panorama new shops munitions factories.

Speaker of merit Reich Affairs Alfred Speer's armaments in the development of the German war industry.

In the shops of military factories.

Working with machines.


Speaker of the labor enthusiasm of the Germans.

On the military factory, manufactures tracked motorcycles.

On the test site.

Motorcycles on rough terrain.

They boost the water obstacle.


The military school and barracks are filled to capacity.

Future soldiers and officers receive a comprehensive education.

One of the military schools.

Drill in the courtyard of the barracks.

Experienced veterans, were seriously injured in the fields of war, they began to recruit teachers and role models.

Training soldiers antitank forces, learning the art of combat and weapons handling.

Students march through the streets of the city.

They are in the classroom on the ground.

Shooting a machine gun.

Millions of soldiers of the reserve, trained in the schools are ready to go to the front.


Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering visits the motorized division, an elite unit of the Luftwaffe in its own name.

It consists of volunteers from all areas of Germany.

Goering circumvents formation of soldiers, inspects weapon.

Reichsmarschall talking with the soldiers.


Tunisian front.

Italian guns shelled the Anglo-American line of fortifications, bunker.

German tanks sent to the front.

They will destroy the large Anglo-American forces, who want to prevent the unification of the land forces with German and Italian tank formations.

Tank among the thickets of cactus.

Shoot the enemy.

The view from the slit of the tank.

Burning an American tank.

German tanks wedged into the enemy's defensive line and break it into separate groups.

Key words

Germany, the military industry, workers, women, test, world war 2 Germany, school, military, teaching, tanks, weapons, war 2 World Germany, Gos.deyateli, personalities, Goering's visit, soldiers, weapons, war 2 World Africa, World War 2, weapons, tanks, plants, fire

Reel №2

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Burning an American tank.

Cleaning the tank picks up the wounded on the battlefield.

Sending them to the rear.

Padded American tanks.

Captured Americans and the British.

During these operations, the purpose of which - to go to the south of Tunisia, were killed and taken as trophies 235 tanks, 169 armored vehicles and 160 artillery and self-propelled guns.

It captured more than four thousand American and British soldiers.

The southern section of the Eastern Front between the Dnieper and Donets.

On line Stalino-Rostov.

Herd securities Caucasian stallions distilled from the nursery to the Ukraine.

Cossack on horseback rides to the commander, salutes.

Kalmyks-herdsmen drive the horses, which will be the basis for the offspring to the eastern states.

German convoys moving to new positions.

Refugees from the Bolsheviks, following along with the troops.

They with their belongings, cattle.

German car with a wound on the tire chains.

Tanks go on the bridge.

Anti-aircraft battery at the river bridge with guards moving on it vehicles.

After the last tank passage bridge mined.

German car almost flipped in the snowdrifts, the soldiers are helping to set it in place.

Named clearing road snow.

The movement of German convoys on the roads in the snow.

The destruction of communication lines.

German soldiers on motorcycles and tanks.

Gunners with a gun.

Start firing Soviet positions.

Shoot the tanks.


Burning a Soviet tank.

Soldiers of the 1st Panzer Division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" are preparing to attack.

They start a gunfight, moving forward.

The battle for the village.


The Germans on the streets of the village.

Captive "Bolsheviks".

The corpses of Soviet soldiers.

Burning and damaged Soviet tanks.

Key words

World War 2, the tanks, the wounded, the allied forces, Africa World War 2, the troops, pets, refugees, tanks, bridges, roads, vehicles, soldiers, artillery, prisoners, destruction, fire, military leaders, rewarding, Air Force, explosion