Tonwoche 1930 № 5

Film-document №63816 1 part, Duration: 0:05:58, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:05:58

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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French pilot Lemoine took an airplane altitude of 11779 meters and surpassed the previous record.

Lemoine gets into an airplane and takes off.

The steamer Munich is on fire in the port of New York.

Firefighters extinguish it from boats.

Austrian Bundeskanzler Johann Schober pays an official visit to Berlin.

Schober bypasses the guard of honor, followed by a detachment of cavalry.

The arrival of the Chancellor is filmed by correspondents.

A new higher lyceum for girls has been opened in the Kepenik district of Berlin.

Students should learn independence in all areas of activity.

Dorothea's school building, auditorium.

The girls are in the chemical laboratory, in the art class, in the sewing workshop.

Playing sports at school.

The girls train on the model of the boat, do physical education, do exercises with balls.

German Ambassador Adolf Koester died in Belgrade.

The Belgrade diplomatic corps and numerous representatives of the Serbian government are seeing off the ambassador on his last journey.

The coffin is being carried in a hearse down the street, followed by soldiers marching behind it.

The coffin with the ambassador's body will be transported to Germany.

Huge fires are constantly breaking out in the American oil region, causing losses of many millions of dollars.

Plumes of smoke over oil tanks.

The last shot of the ship "Monte Cervantes", which sank in the Strait of Magellan.

The ship is at the pier.

Spanish dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera, chairman of the Government under King Alfonso XIII, resigned from his post on January 28.

A close-up of Rivera.

A huge power plant is being built in the west of Berlin.

The station will produce 228,000 kW daily, which corresponds to the daily electricity consumption of cities such as Munich, Dresden or Leipzig.

Construction of a power plant, work processes are underway.

A conference on the limitation of naval armaments has opened in London.

The American delegation, headed by Secretary of State Henry Stimson, arrived on the steamer George Washington.

The mayor of Plymouth, Lord Major, welcomed Stimson.

The leaders of the countries participating in the conference, in front of the camera in the garden of the residence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Close-ups of officials: British Prime Minister James Ramsay MacDonald, French Prime Minister Andre Tardieu, Italian Foreign Minister Dino Grandi, Minister Wakatsuki from Japan.

Key words

France 1930, aviation records, personalities US 1930, civilian fleet, fires Germany, in 1930, government officials, celebrities, visits Germany 1930, schools, children, sports Yugoslavia 1930, state. figures, burial ceremony, diplomats US 1930, natural disasters, oil fires South America, the civilian fleet, disaster Spain, state. figures, personalities Germany, construction, power plant England, in 1930, a conference of state. figures, personalities