Tonwoche 1934 № 205

Film-document №63823 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:33, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:09

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Funeral of Hindenburg.

On the background of the sky stands a big cross on the flag pole with an eagle.

View of the Cathedral, the bell sounds.

Newspaper "Folkisher Beobachter" of August 2, 1934, photograph and obituary in the Reich President and Field Marshal Hindenburg.

People read newspapers on the street.

On the buildings of embassies of different national flags at half-mast.

View of the house Hindenburg, at the entrance stands a sentry.

Above the building of aircraft flying wedge.

Night rally with torches, marching soldiers, heard volleys of salute.

On the tower of the fortress in Tannenberg hang black flags.

The street is moving hearse, pulled by horses in the top six, which is accompanied by soldiers.

Officers Group carries pads with Hindenburg awards.

On the square are lined up troops.

On the benches sat the relatives of the deceased president, the military.

Hitler comes to the widow of the Hindenburg, she shakes her hand.

The cross on the memorial wall.

Hitler - the Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor.

The building attracts cars Chancellery ambassadors for the first appointment with the election day Hitler Chancellor of Germany.

On the street the crowd watching the arrival of guests.

On the balcony overlooking Hitler in evening dress next to Foreign Minister Neurath, and other officials.

The crowd shouted, pulling his hands.

In the crowd of banner: "One nation, one Fuhrer".

Hitler smiles, greets people.

Hitler's visit to the Saar region.

View of the city of Saarbrücken and the river from a height.

motorcade rides down the street.

Hitler goes on a boat from the pier.

People on the shore waving their hands after the boat on deck Hitler, Hess and others.

The boat sails past the tourist steamer, people greet Hitler.

A huge crowd welcomed the Fuhrer, he passes on to the platform.

To Hitler fit athlete in shape, passes the sheet collapsed.

Hitler rises to the podium, delivers a speech.

People are pulling your hands.

German workers in the tourist trip to the Alps.

On the river in a long boat floating three fishermen.

Types of beaches, on the shores of the church.

Tourists meet girls in national costumes.

Tourists dine at tables in the open air.

Donations for the fight against hunger and cold.

Poster on which is painted a boy, chewing a piece of bread.

Sign of the shares, the inscription: "We are fighting against hunger and cold."

Frankfurt am Main.

Near the long building on the Square is the collection of donations, "Hitler Youth" organization, buglers and drummers played.

Counselor distributes boys clubs to collect donations.

Children with baskets bypass the house, they take out the bread, which is made up on the truck.

In Berlin, a charity event held by well-known actors such as Leo Alexander and others.

They sit at the tables and sell lottery tickets.

Mobilized soldiers marching down the street with boxes in their hands, which are lottery tickets.

There is a sale of tickets at the Brandenburg Gate.

Winter assistance.

Skototorgovtsy Pomerania pass as a Christmas gift for the Berlin set of livestock: cows, calves, pigs, sheep.

Animals in the paddock.

On the skin of the cow vystrizheny words: "Winter Relief, Berlin."

On the wall of the phrase: "The cows, pigs and sheep, we pass on to our Pomeranian Chancellor Adolf Hitler as a Christmas gift of the German homeland."

Key words

Germany, in 1934, the funeral ceremony, the state. figures, personalities, print, rally, fortress, Hitler Germany, 1934, Hitler state. figures, personalities, German Chancellery Germany, 1934, Hitler, visits, Hess, civilian fleet Germany, in 1934, working, tourism Germany, 1934 pozhertvoavniya, Hitler Youth, the actors, the lottery, the soldiers Germany, 1934 Winter aid pozhertovovaniya, domestic animals

Reel №2

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Collecting donations in Berlin.

The crowd goes Byurkel (?), Comes to the table, he beats hammer on tiles with a swastika, followed by do Cherotti Italian Minister Goebbels.

Military circles with his hands in the crowd.

Reich Minister of Sports Chammer-Austen with a mug.

Coins spilling out of pots on the tables, converted, pour in the box, announce the outcome of the campaign: to collect millions of marks.

Wehrmacht soldiers are preparing for the residents of porridge and soup kitchens in the field.

Day eintopf ( "common soup") on the square in Berlin.

Soldiers handed out soup and porridge, adults and children eat at the tables in the square.

The military handed out to residents sausage packs with food.

Happy life in Germany.

Seeing the children on a vacation, they travel on the train to rest to the sea.

Passengers on the train, in the car a couple plays cards, flash types of terrain in the window.

In Bremen, the passengers board the ship.

During the trip, passengers entertained a man, dancing Tyrolean dance.

Passengers board the plane, waving their hands in the windows.

A view of the town below, sea beaches.

People on the beach, adults and children swimming, sunbathing, children play in the sand.

From the pier into the water jump, young people, swim race.

Teens running to the water, she rolled with water slides.

People sit on the banks of the tables, on the benches in the park.

Types of beaches with sailing ship, old buildings, castles.

Top view of the boat, people waving from the deck.

Blooming trees.

People at the tables in the restaurant.

Residents walk through the city, they are at an amusement park.

Walks dealer with balloons.

Spinning carousel and a swing, people are racing on a roller coaster.

Costume parade through the city, being watched from the windows of houses.

Moves huge figure of a dragon, travel platform with giant puppets.

Night illumination, turns a huge ball of shiny, light garlands, beat jet fountains.

Evening fireworks.

In the area of ​​mass dances.

Nodules occur mannequins in new suits and dresses, girl in a wedding dress.

Models show hats, swimwear, costumes.

Girls-athletes revolve in large hoops, throwing the ball, dancing with clubs.

Key words

Germany 1934, donations gos.deyateli, personalities, Goebbels, the money, the general soup, soldiers Germany, 1934, children, rest, train, passenger fleet, civil aviation, the beach, the sea, a restaurant, an amusement park, a procession, fireworks, fashion, sports