Tonwoche 1936 № 306

Film-document №63833 1 part, Duration: 0:10:38, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:38

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Opening of the monument to the Austro-Hungarian composer Franz Liszt in honor of the 50th anniversary of the death in the city of Eisenstadt (Burgenland).

There are people building opens monument at the foot of wreaths, life and death date: 1811 - 1886. Liszt Museum, are on the table of the manuscript notes, sculpted the death mask and hand.

Portraits of Liszt and his entourage.

Poster of the concert of Liszt in 1856.

Photos on the wall, Clavier.

View of the monument.


In the Alps, produced a controlling cockpit flight by cable car.

The operator removes mountain views.

Panorama of the mountains, the valley with the river and houses.

Cabin shadow glides over the snow.

On top of the mountain engineer gets on the cab roof, flooding mechanism of oil, oil soaks rope.

The descent down the cabin.

In Hamburg, the last race of port launches the prize "Blue Ribbon" by the Elbe.

the river and promenade view.

At the shore stand trial.

From the bridge the people watching the races.

The man gives the signal pistol, launches rushing forward.

With ships passing by waving their hands.

Home of the world fly the Rhine-Main.

The grand opening of the airport in Frankfurt am Main.

General aviation Milch speaks to the audience.

The crowd on the background of a huge liner.

Map of Germany, from Frankfurt out lines in different directions: to America, England, Italy, France, Russia and other countries.

At the airport there are light aircraft.

In the hangar airship "Graf Zeppelin" flight over the city, countryside views.

The airship flies to South America, a view of the city below.

Hydroplane company "Lufthansa" takes off from the deck of the ship.

The aircraft take to the skies from the airfield.

Plane over Warsaw, Barcelona, ​​over the snowy Alps, over Rome.

Airship sits down on the pitch.

The airship flying over the ocean, seen from an ocean liner.

1936 Olympics in Berlin.

Olympic Symbols: five rings flag.

Equestrian events at Verdun.

The German dressage riders show.

Riders in uniform are taking a variety of obstacles.

The spectators in the stands.

The competition in Aquatics American leaders.

In backstroke won by the American Erik Holm.

Swimming breaststroke among women, German athlete March Heninger.

Jumping into the water in the first place, American Dorothy Poynton, shooting rapid.

New world records the American athletes.

Running at a distance of 100 meters, Jesse Owens is taking the lead.

Owens sets record in long jump.

Pole vault, high jump.

Running hurdles for men.

Key words

Austria, in 1936, monuments, composers and personalities, museum Germany, in 1936, the funicular, cable railway Germany, 1936, sports, launches, races Germany 1936, civil aviation, military leaders, personalities, airships Germany, 1936, sports, Olympics, equestrian events, water sports, athletics