Tonwoche 1936 № 308

Film-document №63834 3 parts, Duration: 0:17:47, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:15

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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The civil war in Spain.

The border between Spain and France blocked.

A pointer to Irun, Saint-Jean-du-Luz, a view standing on the tracks of the train.

First report of hostilities in the North of Spain.

At the port there are ships international forces, submarines.

Refugees, women and children near fires on which to cook food.

Men put up tents.

The headquarters of the Republican army in Pamplona.

Square-built columns of soldiers: women in uniform, guards, men in civilian clothes with rifles in their hands.

Members of fascist organisations parade through the city.

Soldiers and volunteers move to the front to see off residents.

Famous American pilot Charles Lindbergh at the invitation of the Minister of aviation Goering was invited to Germany to explore the German aircraft industry.

Meeting Lindbergh in Berlin, he rides around town in the car.

Lindberg visited the airport and he gets behind the wheel of the German aircraft "Hindenburg" flies.

To Hamburg from the USA arriving ocean liner "the Manhattan" of American athletes on Board, arrived at the Olympic games in Berlin.

Athletes descend from the ladder, go through customs.

The faces of the athletes.

Train with the athletes arrive in Berlin, they sit in the bus and drive around the city, residents welcomed them.

The state Commissioner Dr Lippert, welcomes athletes, welcomed them.

In Hamburg was the world Congress on free time and leisure, which arrived about 40 organizations.

Costume parade of delegates through the streets of the city.

Ahead of marching sailors with flags in their hands.

Go carts with embellished layouts.

Members of delegations in national costumes marching, dancing and singing folk songs.

Go young gymnasts, Piper.

Residents watch the parade.

Delegates welcomed Dr.


Automotive world records.

USA, Utah.

English rider Easton sets a world record for the duration of the race.

He rushes with the speed of 270 km/h and spends 48 hours.

At the Nurburgring, Germany, is a world Cup racing.

Highlights of the racing area, spectators watch the races.

Winner - Rosemeier.

Key words

Spain, 1936, war, railroad, trains, naval, refugees Germany, 1936, personalities, aviation Germany, 1936, the civilian fleet, the Olympic games, athletes, statesmen, personalities Germany, 1936, a Congress, a procession, delegates, parade, statesmen, personalities USA, Germany, 1936, sports records, motor racing, personalities

Reel №2

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The latest reports from Spain.

The artillery of the Republicans bombed the military Academy in Toledo, occupied by the nationalists.

Destroyed bridge over the river, ruins of houses, interior view of the destroyed apartment.

The Communists and Republicans on the city streets.

The view from the cockpit riding on a city car.

Olympic games 1936 in Berlin.

Reich Minister of propaganda Dr.

Goebbels holds a press conference in front of journalists from different countries.

In the great hall sitting at a table of journalists.

Goebbels stressed the importance of their work on coverage of the Olympics.

The opening of the Olympics in the Park Lustgarten.

The square built on the pillars of youth, troops of the "Hitler youth."

On the podium are Hess and leader of Hitler youth Baldur von Schirach.

Schirach made a speech, then says Goebbels.

The athlete runs through the city with a torch in his hand.

The view from the plane on the streets of Berlin and the stadium.

Motorcade with Hitler rides through the streets of Berlin, the crowds greet him.

Together with officials, Olympic Committee, Hitler passes through the field to the podium.

People in the stands pulling his hands in the Nazi salute.

The girl with the flowers runs up to Hitler.

On the podium Hitler welcomes Hess.

Starts the parade of the Olympic games.

Hitler announces the opening of the Olympic games.

The stadium let out pigeons.

Several sailors raise the Olympic flag, cannon fire, ringing the bell.

The athlete runs with the torch through the stadium, up the stairs, lights the Olympic flame.

Key words

Spain. 1936, artillery, war, destruction Germany, 1936, sports, Olympics, Goebbels, press conference, journalists, statesmen, personalities, Hitler, parade

Reel №3

Olympic games in Berlin.

World records the American athletes.

Running at a distance of 100 meters.

Gold medal winning Jesse Owens with a score of 10.3 seconds, on the second place - also American, the third - Osendarp (Holland).

Running the 100 meters.

Burgmeier ran for 10.5 seconds, the German athlete was the second.

The race at 10,000 meters.

The convincing victory was won by Finnish athletes Salminen, Askola, and ISO-holló, then the Japanese player Muramasa.

Modern pentathlon: horse racing on rough terrain.

In the first place, Lieutenant Abba (Italy), second - Lieutenant Hendrik (Germany).

Key words

Germany, 1936, sports, Olympics, scores, athletics