Tonwoche 1936 № 315

Film-document №63838 2 parts, Duration: 0:13:21, Black-white to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:59

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Party Congress in Nuremberg.

The ceremonial meeting.

In the great hall gathered the Nazis, the aisle are Hitler, Hess and other leaders rise to the podium.

Are the standard-bearers carrying banners.

All pull your hands in a Nazi salute.

Hess opened the Congress of the Nazi party.

On the back of the stage the slogan: "a Strong Reich is the real Bastion of peace".

Goebbels speech in which he appeals to fellow party members calling for the struggle against Bolshevism.

In the hall applause.

In the front row sat Hitler, Himmler, Ley.

Goebbels completes it, comes down from the podium, goes to Hitler, they shake hands.

Parade labor battalions.

A symbol of labour battalions: the standard picture of a shovel and ears.

Motorcade with Hitler passes through the field of the stadium.

Spectators in the stands pulling his hands.

The beginning of the parade before the führer.

Go ahead bearers, followed the marching columns of soldiers HAPPY with the shovels.

Hitler welcomed them.

Reichsarbeitsdienst Girlie gives Hitler the report.

The song, which is sung by all the soldiers HAPPY. On the field is the speech of the soldiers with mass exercises with flags in their hands.

Hitler speaks to the youth at the stadium.

Ranks are paramilitary groups of young people, "Hitler youth."

Hitler shakes hands with the head of the Nazi youth Schirach.

Hitler in the car, inspects the ranks of the youth.

The youth pulls his hands in a Nazi salute, the song

Key words

Germany, 1936, the congresses, the party Nazi, Hitler, Hess, Goebbels, Himmler, statesmen, personalities Germany, 1936, the congresses of the Nazi party, parade, workers, Hitler, HAPPY, statesmen, personalities Germany, 1936, a parade of Nazi youth, Hitler, Hitler youth, statesmen, personalities

Reel №2

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100 thousand troopers, the SS and the NJC on the show in front of the Fuhrer.

The ceremony of laying wreaths at the monument to the Nazis.

Burning bowl of fire.

Hitler, Himmler and lutze heading to the monument, near which are lined up in columns of troops.

Hitler takes the salute of the troops.

Ahead of the standard-bearers with flags and banners.

On the podium are the generals and Goebbels.

It takes a squad of soldiers with backpacks behind the back.

Close-up of Hess.

Hitler made a speech to the troops.

Hitler and Himmler come to the soldiers, Hitler holds the end of the banner.

The General parade.

Motorcade travels through the city.

Residents raise their hand to greet the führer.

Hitler fit a woman with a child, give flowers.

The parade begins at Adolf-Hitler Platz.

Hitler on the podium, next to generals and admirals, among them Rosenberg, Blomberg, Raeder.

Marching units of the various formations of the Nazi party

Key words

Germany, 1936, a parade of the SA, SS, Hitler, Himmler, statesmen, personalities, laying of wreaths, monuments, Goebbels, Hess Germany, 1936, conventions, parade, people, Hitler, military leaders, personalities