Visit of the Russian imperial family in Constanta. (1914)

Film-document №65298 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:31, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Foreign policy


Reel №1

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Romania, Constanta, 1/14 June 1914 strolling ladies and gentlemen.

PNRM .: sea views.

PNRM .: stroll along the promenade ladies and gentlemen.

White casino building.

Ladies sitting on a bench.

Military and civilians are talking to each other.

The building is decorated with banners - "Welcome", "God Save the Tsar."

Truant audience, passing cars.

Police cordon.

Ladies and gentlemen passed through a police cordon.

Around the monument strolling ladies and gentlemen.

By approaching the pier steam launch.

The audience on the waterfront watching the volleys of guns onboard training sailing ship "Mircea".

Imperial yacht "Standart" comes into the harbor of Constanta, on board the Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, the Tsarevich Alexei, Grand Duchesses.

Pavilion of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

On the steps are Romanian officials: military, civil servants, courtiers.

Romanian King Carol I, Ferdinand heir to the throne (in the form of the 18th Infantry Regiment of the Vologda), Prince Karol.

Romanian military and civilian officials.

Master cylinder demonstrates dish.

Romanian officials: gentlemen in top hats with medals and ribbons.

It is a group of journalists, some are kept in the hands of notebooks.

Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Romanian King Carol I, Queen Elizabeth, the heir to the throne Ferdinand, the Romanian royal family stand on the steps surrounded by a retinue.

Imperial yacht "Standart" moored to the jetty port of Constanta, is visible to the imperial yacht "Polar Star", which came entourage face.

"Standart" board the imperial yacht.

The Cossacks of His Majesty's Own Convoy on the pier at the gangway of the imperial yacht "Standart".

Emperor Nicholas II was coming off the ramp to the dock, followed by the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Tsarevich, Grand Duchesses.

Towards Their Majesties King Carol is I (a field marshal's baton in his hand), accompanied by Queen Elizabeth, the crown prince Ferdinand, Prince Karol et al., There is a mutual exchange of greetings.

Minister of the Imperial Court Baron VB Fredericks, commandant of the Imperial headquarters suites Major General VN Voeikov exchange greetings with King Charles I, there are persons of the imperial entourage.

Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Tsarevich Alexei, the imperial person suite, the Romanian military and civilian officials exchanged greetings.

Romanian Princess, Grand Duchesses.

Tsarevich Alexei talking with Prince Nicholas Romanian.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I, the Crown Prince in the entourage.

Those royal retinue shake hands with the Minister of the Imperial Court Baron VB Fredericks, commandant of the Imperial headquarters suites Major - General V. Voeikov, flag-captain KD Nilov.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I, Crown Prince Ferdinand with persons of the imperial entourage.

Imperial yacht "Standart" yacht "Polar Star" on the roads of the port of Constanta.


Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I, Crown Prince Ferdinand, Prince Carol, the suite faces extend along a military band.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I, Crown Prince Ferdinand, Prince Carol, Minister of the Imperial Court Baron VB Fredericks, suites are along the front face of honor.

Emperor Nicholas II, who the members of the Romanian royal family, are suitable Grand Duchesses, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Romanian King Carol I talking to the flag-captain of His Imperial Majesty KD Nilov.

Queen Elizabeth Hall.

The official introduction.

Grand Duchesses, Tsarevich heir, Alexandra exchanged greetings with members of the Romanian royal family.

Flag-Captain of His Majesty KD Nilov delivers passing hand sign.

On the steps of the pavilion rises Tsarevich hands with Romanian Prince Nicholas.

King Carol I accompanied the Emperor Nicholas II. On the steps are Romanian officials, including the chairman of the Council of Ministers Bratiano.

Grand Duchess, accompanied by the Romanian royal family and retinue ascend the stairs to the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Are the Cossacks of His Imperial Majesty Convoy, photographers and reporters.

Among them, the photographer of His Majesty AK Jagielski.

On the steps of the pavilion of Queen Elizabeth stand imperial retinue, the Romanian military and civilians.

Russian officers exchanged greetings with the Romanian officers.

At the entrance to the pavilion standing on the steps of the Romanian officials, photographers.

From the pavilion overlook the Romanian dignitaries with ribbons and medals.

Passing riders with plumes in the hats.

Passing crews: Emperor Nicholas II and King Carol I - they are accompanied by a cavalry escort; Empress Alexandra and Queen Elizabeth.

In an open car passing Grand Duchess; Crown Prince Ferdinand and his wife, Prince Karol; member of the Romanian royal family - they are accompanied by a cavalry escort.

Parade 34 soldiers Infantry Regiment (Constanta).

Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Past failure of honor pass Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I, the Great Princess, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Tsarevich heir members of the Romanian royal family.

Key words

Russian Empire, Romania, in 1914, the imperial family, international relations, road transport, police, architecture, maritime transport, port, navy, ground forces, personalities, media, cavalry, infantry

Reel №2

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Romania, Constanta, 1/14 June 1914 about building a casino are sailors and Russian officers.

Romanian officers salute to passing in a car Crown Prince Ferdinand and his wife and members of the Romanian royal family.

The street is a systems crew of the Russian cruiser "Cahul".

The casino building.

On the veranda there are Emperor Nicholas II, who Romanian King Carol I, the suite faces, Tsarevich heir, Empress Alexandra, Grand Duchesses, members of the Romanian royal family.

To summarize the horse to the porch of the Emperor Nicholas II. On the steps of the veranda and are talking to each other face of the imperial retinue: Captain 2nd Rank NV Sablin (In white uniform), held in military camp office of His Majesty, Colonel AA Drenteln.

On the veranda there are civil and military persons.

Emperor Nicholas II sits on a horse.

Emperor Nicholas II and King Carol I on horseback.

King Carol I on horseback rides, accompanied by troops, salutes standing on the porch.

It takes a military band.

Emperor Nicholas II, who Romanian King Carol I watch the passing parade of the troops of the 5th Corps of the Romanian.

Passes cavalry.

Parade Galati naval crew.

Passes infantry carries the banner.

On the veranda there are [Russian Ambassador to Romania Goat-Poklevsky], Romanian generals of the Imperial Court Minister Baron VB Fredericks, chief of the Military Hiking The Office suites, Major-General Prince VN Orlov, Chairman of Council of Ministers of Romania Bratiano, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, SD Sazonov (in dress uniform).

On the veranda are Prince Nicholas Romanian, Tsarevich Alexei, Grand Duchesses, Romanian civilian and military persons; watching the parade.

Passing by the cavalry.

Passes infantry.

Emperor Nicholas II, who the Crown Prince Ferdinand horseback watching the passage of the infantry.

PNRM .: Romanian King Carol I on horseback.

Romanian generals of the Imperial Court Minister Baron VB Fredericks, chief of the Military camp office suites, Major-General Prince VN Orlov, chairman of the Romania Bratiano Council of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, SD Sazonov watch the parade.

Passes infantry.

General view of the casino building.

The passage of troops.

On the veranda there are persons of the Imperial and Royal suites officials.

PNRM .: tested cavalry trumpeters, horse artillery.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I on horseback salute passing troops.

On the veranda of a casino are Romanian generals, Commandant of the Imperial headquarters suites Major General VN Voeikov, Imperial Household Minister Baron VB Fredericks, chief of the Military camp office suites, Major-General Prince VN Orlov, Chairman of Council of Ministers of Romania Bratiano, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, SD Sazonov.

On the steps are members of the Russian Imperial Family and the Romanian royal family.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I on horseback watching the parade, talking.

Passes cavalry trumpeters, cavalrymen with lances.

Civilian public, Romanian officers watching the passage of the cavalry.

Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I dismount, go to the veranda casino.

By the porch serves cars.

Carol I talking to the Tsarevich.

Emperor Nicholas II shakes hands with Romanian cavalry officer.

The car drove up sit Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I. A car pulls up, sit down, Queen Elizabeth, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

The car drove up sit Tsarevich, Grand Duchesses.

The car drove up sit Crown Prince Ferdinand and Prince Karol.

Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Romania.

Portraits of King Carol I and Queen Elizabeth.

Coat of arms of the Russian Empire.

Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Key words

Russian Empire, Romania, in 1914, the imperial family, international relations, road transport, army, cavalry, infantry, parade, navy, personalities,

Reel №3

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Romania, Constanta, 1/14 June 1914 Constanta.


An honor guard at the door.

From beyond the door Emperor Nicholas II, who Romanian King Carol I. Sit in the carriage, leave.

They were accompanied by a cavalry escort.

The crew sit Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and Romanian Queen Elizabeth.

The crew departs.


At the door of a parked car.

In the car sit Grand Duchesses, members of the Romanian royal family.

By the entrance of the cathedral pulls the car.

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, Prince Carol, and Crown Prince Ferdinand sit in the car.

The car at the entrance to the cathedral.

A guard of honor in the way of the motorcade travel.

Passing cavalry helmets plumed.

Along the streets are lined trellises troops.

Accompanied by a cavalry escort crews passing of Nicholas II and Carol I, automobiles.

The stairs descend Emperor Nicholas II, who Romanian King Carol I. Sit in coach.

Following down the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the Romanian Queen Elizabeth and the crew sit in the filed.

Cavalry escort.

The car drove up sit Princess Mary and members of the Romanian royal family.

The car drove up sit Crown Prince Ferdinand, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna and Prince Karol.

The car drove up sit three Grand Duchesses.

They were passing a cavalry escort.

Romanian civilian and military officials, courtiers.

In the center of the group are the main commandant of the Imperial Apartments Suites, Major-General VN Voeikov photographer.

A car pulls up, sit down ladies.

From the doors of the Cathedral go Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and Romanian Queen Elizabeth, Emperor Nicholas II, who Romanian King Carol I, Princess Maria.

PNRM .: the ladder are the Cossacks of His Imperial Majesty's convoy.

Passes Flag Captain KD Nilov.

Port of Constanta.

At the pier Imperial yacht "Standart" under the flag of St.


Pass the Romanian King Carol I, Prince Ferdinand and Carol.

On hand stretcher sits Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Trail passes Emperor Nicholas II. Members of the imperial family and the Romanian royal family posing for the newsreels.

On the pier in "Standart" side of the Imperial yachts are the Cossacks of His Imperial Majesty Convoy, photographers, cinematographer AK Jagielski, the Romanian King Carol I, Queen Elizabeth.

Emperor Nicholas II bids farewell to Queen Elizabeth, kisses her hand, shaking hands with King Carol I. The casino building.

Are the officials.

A car pulls up.

From the car go (back in the frame) Grand Princess, the crown prince heir, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, go to the veranda casino.

Casino, veranda.

Are the military, Major General VN Voeikov Romanian generals salute.

From out of the car arrived Emperor Nicholas II, King Carol I. The car drives off.

From arriving car leave the Empress Alexandra, Queen Elizabeth.

From the third car drove up out Grand Duchesses, the heir to the crown prince.

Key words

Russian Empire, Romania, in 1914, the imperial family, international relations, Christianity, army, cavalry, infantry, marine transport, navy, road transport, cinema, celebrities