Tatarstan 2000 № 20

Film-document №68737 1 part, Duration: 0:06:36 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:06:36

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Director: Nazmeev R.

Reel №1

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VV Putin in Kazan.

Working visit of the President of the Russian Federation in Kazan.

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Shaimiev Mentimer Shaimiev, the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov Nurgalievich, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Farid Mukhametshin Hayrullovich, Kazan Mayor Kamil Iskhakov Shamil'evich concert of masters of arts of RT in the Big Concert Hall of Kazan.

Russian President, RT Leaders, members of the clergy of RT visited the construction of the Kul Sharif Mosque in the Kremlin.

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin holds a regular meeting of the organizing committee for provedeniyu1000 anniversary of Kazan. "News Metrostroi".

Construction of the metro station "Sukonnaya Sloboda".

A team of installers for installation zemleprohodcheskogo complex "Syuyumbike". "Memory playwright ". 100 years since the birth of the writer, scholar, playwright Naky Isanbeta.

The scientific conference devoted to the work of the writer Naky Isanbeta in the auditorium of the Institute of Language and Literature. G.Ibragimova.

The opening of the memorial plaque Naky Isanbetu.                                             "19th Chaliapin Festival".

The 19th international festival of opera them.

FI Chaliapin's at the Opera and Ballet Theatre.


Sings soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre and Opera Diva Milan La Scala Nina Terentyev. "Revival film club".

Actress Margarita Terekhova serves Hall "Mir" cinema.

Members of the cinema club of friends.