Tatarstan 2000 № 24

Film-document №68740 1 part, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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Director: Gabdrahmanov. E

Operators: Gabdrahmanov. E

Text writers: Serova S.

Reel №1

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"Tatarstan - the capital of the World."

Days of Peace Culture in Tatarstan.

Says the director of UNESCO's office in the Russian Federation, Wolfgang Reuter.

UNESCO representatives meet in Kazan Financial and Economic Institute with members of the Kazan Institute of Culture UNESCO World.

Opening of the Kazan Institute of Culture of the UNESCO Peace in Elabuga.

Says the rector of the Kazan Institute of Culture UNESCO World Tahirov Engel Rizakovich.

Rector of the Institute awards diplomas to the graduates.

"Rivers of Milk bottling Zelenodolsk".

Working in the shop production line of packing milk dairy Zelenodolsky for conveyor plant.

Production of the plant. "New features of the old plant."

Workers shop "santehpriborov" Kazan plant for assembly of mixers.

Says director Anwar Muhammetzakirov plant.

Production of the plant. "A man of his time."

Farewell to a public figure, writer Tatar Garifuna Akhunov.

At the funeral ceremony are present: President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, the head of the city of Kazan Kamil Iskhakov Shamil'evich, science, intellectuals and others.

"Golden Microphone".

Head Theatre - studio "Golden Microphone" Zelenodolsk Elena Antonova deals with pupils studio.

Sings Valeria - winner of the children's music festival in the city of Ivanovo.