Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1943 № 653

Film-document №72113 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:35 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:05

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Military-instructional film about the fight against incendiary bombs.

The instructor in the bomb shelter talks about lighters and methods of extinguishing them.

Burning apartment.

Firefighters eliminate the fire.

Burning furniture.

The instructor answers the questions of the townsfolk.


Declaration of the rule of "National China" (captured by the Japanese territory of mainland China) 9/01/1943 War of the United States and Britain.

Wang Ching-wei - the head of the puppet Chinese government - signs a declaration declaring war.

Map of the territory of "National China".

Demonstration of the population in support of the government.

South of China, Yunnan Province.

Operations of Japanese troops on the border.

The Japanese are coming.

The population welcomes the "liberators".

The province of Zhuan, Japanese troops on the march, they are firing at the enemy.

The Japanese with the national flag.

Shanji Province.

Operations of Japanese troops against "bandit-communists".

Japanese soldiers are coming.

Fragments of gunfire, battle in the mountains.


German tank regiment in reserve, the life of tankmen.

The Germans are among the cactus thickets.

They shave, look at photos, clean their weapons.

Marshal Rommel / for his two years in Africa.

He greeted the officers.

Rommel and Keselring among the soldiers.

Key words

Bomb shelter Fire



World War II

Reel №2

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War 2 is world war.

The offensive of the Germans in western Tunisia, in the Atlas Mountains.

German tanks are traveling through the desert.

Soldiers are leveling the way for tanks with shovels.

German vehicles on the highway.

The foot soldiers are coming.

Tank battle at Sidi Bou Zid.

Shoot the tanks.

Burning Anglo-American tanks.

Captive soldiers.

Interrogation of prisoners.

Marshal Rommel passes through the cactus field, examines the padded American tanks, other equipment.

THE USSR. The southern sector of the Eastern Front near Novorossiysk.

German artillery fires Soviet ships in the vicinity of the bay of Tsemesskaya.

German infantry in the streets of the village.

She's in the forest.

The place where the landing of the Soviet landing was reflected.

The corpses of Soviet paratroopers on the beach.

The Soviet barge, loaded with tanks and disabled.

Broken equipment.

Half-sunken ships.

THE USSR. The Donets area.

Reflection of Soviet attacks.

German troops with artillery are moving along a snow-covered road, motorized units in a burning village.

Soldiers bring prisoners out of the houses.

Soldiers in camouflage clothes run between the houses.

Destroyed Soviet technology.

German against the background of a fire.

On the way is the commander of reconnaissance of the tank reconnaissance battalion of the SS division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Kurt Meyer in a white sheepskin coat and a helmet.

German soldiers on vacation.

A German carries a chicken, soldiers drink schnapps.

Meyer among the soldiers.

Infantry and SS troops continue their way, tanks in the steppe.

The Donets River, ice-bound.

The announcer about the withdrawal of German troops to the Donets.

Meeting of officers.

German planes in the air, the bombing of Soviet positions.

Explosions on Soviet territory.

Infantrymen watch the actions of aviation.

Shoot German anti-aircraft gunners.

The Germans in the village, captured Soviet soldiers.

Defeated Soviet positions, destroyed technology, burnt tanks / 3rd Panzer Army /, corpses.

German tanks on the streets of a ruined city.



World War II