Horizon 1971 № 6

Film-document №72893 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:15 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:51

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

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Director: S.Kozjminskij,B.Goljdenblank, V.Vinogradov, E.Ostashenko, Yu.Danilov

Script writers: N.Loseva, V.Vinogradov, E.Ostashenko, Yu.Danilov

Operators: V.Riklin, V.Kryuchkin, E.Oljshevskaya, A.Popov

Composers: Sh.Kallosh


1. "Children and war"- a story based on military newsreels tells about war children who replaced adults in the rear and at the front. 2." Duel " - about the eternal duel of man and height, the athlete and the unconquered bar. 3." One, two, three... " - about different calculus systems and why people use the decimal system. 4. the end Of the "Black shark" - a game story about a German submarine that destroyed Soviet ships.

Reel №1

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Carousel in the Park.

Children's faces.

Photo of children in a concentration camp.

"Children and war".

Pre-war chronicle: children on the carousel.

Girls collect daisies in the field (chronicle).

Hitler takes a military parade(chronicle).

Horses in the meadow.

Chronicle of 1941

Sleeping child.

The child woke up.

German planes in the air (chronicle).

Bombs fall.

Explosions on the ground.

Military chronicle: destruction of cities and villages.

Photos of the war years: crying children.

Chronicle: the school destroyed in the bombing.

The flow of refugees on the road.

Children ride the train.

The red army column goes to the front.


Children work at the factory.

Soldiers in the trenches.

Children in different jobs.

besieged Leningrad.

Drawings of children of besieged Leningrad.

Evacuation of children from besieged Leningrad.

Columns of German soldiers.

A German soldier catches a chicken in the village.

Soldiers pluck captured chickens.

The Germans are taking civilians to Germany.

Photo: children in a concentration camp.

Reel №2

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Continuation of the story "Children and war".

Partisans in the forest.

People read reports from the front.

One of the regiment's sons brings a report.

Rewarding teenagers.

Photos of warring teenagers.

Monuments to the dead teenagers.

Jumping teenagers.


Different athletes before the jump.

Athletes jump over the bar.

Athletes at the bar.

The athlete works with the coach.

Training (jumping over the bench).

Training of athletes.

Reel №3

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Continuation of the story "Duel".

The stadium, the capacity crowd.

The sector for high jump.

Different athletes ' high jumps.

The joy of an athlete who has conquered the height.

A child runs along the path and jumps through a puddle.

Hand puts the tin soldiers.

Boy playing with toy soldiers.

3. "One, two, three..."

On the animated soldiers is due to the decimal system of calculation.

The same soldiers explain the sevenfold system of calculation.

Hockey match.


Horses in the meadow.

Snake crawling on the grass.

Counting on your fingers.

A table set for guests.

Clock on the building.

Big Ben.

Clock on the Spasskaya tower.

Egyptian pyramid.

Ancient papyrus with mathematical signs.

Ancient Egyptian drawings.

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story "One, two, three...".

Sitting scribe Kai(sculpture).

Ancient Greek temples (photos).

The ancient Greek scientists (a plaster head).

Heads of Roman soldiers.

Babylonian bas-reliefs.

King Hamurapi's stele.

Records from the Babylonian inscriptions.

Babylonian cuneiform.

Photos of an Indian temple.

Drawings on the walls.

Reel №5

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Continuation of the story "One, two, three...".

Room with a computer.


Computer punched tape.

4."the end of the black shark."

Vacationers on the boat.

Water surface.

The officer looks through the periscope.

The aim of the boat with the rest.

The explosion, the ship sinking.

The man in the water.

A man is shot from a surfaced submarine.

Toy sailboat on the water.

Officers take out a sailboat.

Lifebuoy on the water.

Seagulls over the sea.

A man swims to the remains of a sunken ship.

A dog is sitting on the remains of the ship.

Man and dog in the sea.

A dog and a man on a minesweeper boat.

Submarine in the depths of the sea.

Sinking ship.

The officer, smiling, takes a photo of the sinking ship.

Photos of wrecked, sinking ships.

Minesweeper at sea.

Surfaced sea mine.

The mine is destroyed by shooting from a boat.

Another mine that popped up.

A boat launched from the boat is heading for the mine.

The sailors swim up to the mine.

Fix the dynamite and light the fuse.

Sailors inside the submarine.

The submarine sinks to the bottom.

Reel №6

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Continuation of the story "the End of the Black shark".

The sailor looks through binoculars.

Captain's cabin.

Galley on the boat.

The sailor writes a letter.

A sailor is sitting on the deck, a dog is lying next to him.

The boy's smiling face.

Toy sailboat on the water.

At the battle alarm, all the sailors run to their posts.

One of the sailors descends to the depth.

On a submarine, the sailors fix the problem.

The sailor swims up to the submarine and taps the key to offer to surrender.

The captain offers to sink the boat, the team is against it.

There is a shoot out.

The boat POPs up, the team lines up with their hands raised.

The captain of the submarine in the cabin.

A sailor from a boat descends into a submarine.

The sailor opens the door to the cabin and sees the captain who shot himself.

A sailor is sitting on the beach, next to a toy sailboat.

The sailor takes the sailboat and lowers it into the water.

Sailboat on the water.