Horizon 1973 № 4

Film-document №72895 4 parts, Duration: 0:39:01 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:08

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1, 2, 3, 4;

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Director: Yu.Danilov, V.Vinogradov, K.Rovnin

Script writers: V.Vinogradov, A.Krasiljschikov,N.Pozharickaya

Operators: L.Nikeljberg, Z.ViskubenkoD.Masurenkov,E.Potievskij, N. Zotov

Composers: E.Denisov, Sh.Kallosh


1. "Squaring the circle".- about how ancient geometers tried to solve the problem of constructing a square equal in area to a circle. 2."Steps on water" - about water skiing. 3." And let the birds sing " - about a wonderful naturalist, zoologist, who brought up a whole generation of biologists, ecologists, geographers - P. p. Smolin .

Reel №1

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The Cinema "Horizon".

People go to the ticket offices to get tickets.

The journalist interviews the audience about the movie almanac "Horizon". (synchronously).

The girl twirls a Hoop over her head.

1. "Squaring the circle".

The diameter and circumference of the Hoop measures a centimeter (animation).

Centimeter measure other objects with a round shape.

The camera passes through the Museum corridors.

Ancient papyrus.

Measuring the area of a circle by ancient mathematicians (animation).

Portrait of Archimedes (mosaic).

Medieval castle.

Geometric research of medieval monks (reconstruction).

Reel №2

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Continuation of the plot "Squaring the circle".

Title page of the book "Squaring the circle".

Works of Leonhard Euler on the shelves in the archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Euler's Manuscripts.

2. "Steps on the water."

Water skiing athlete.

Mountain skier.

Testing of hydrodynamic properties of skis in the laboratory.

The athlete puts on water skis.

A teenager learns to ride water skis.

Reel №3

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Continuation of the story "Steps on water".

skier-skater on the water.

Sliding without skis, on the heels.

Water ski jumping.

Water skiers.

3. "And let the birds sing."

Peter Smolin's lecture on birds for teenagers.

Three men ride in a motor boat.

P. Smolin tells something to the children in nature.

P. Smolin (synchronously)on the research work of children.

A teenager watching the birds through binoculars.

Children measure the Chicks of terns.

A teenager photographs a toad.


Smolin P.P. -naturalist, pedagog, zoolog, poet

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story "And let the birds sing".

Children feed squirrels found in the forest.

P. Smolin and one of the guys are sitting on a bench in front of the hut.

Smolin's student A. I. Bykhov leads a circle of young naturalists.

Group of young naturalists around the campfire.

P. P. Smolin in the office at work.

Photos of P. P. Smolin with his students of different generations.

Chronicle of the 20s: day of the forest, day of birds.

P. Smolin in the Darwin Museum.

Stuffed animals in the Museum.

P. P. Smolin (synchronously)on the need to protect nature.

Smolin walks through the autumn forest.

