Horizon 1974 № 7

Film-document №72898 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:15 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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1, 2, 3, 4;

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Director: A.Mironov. A.Afanasjeva, S.Rajtburt

Script writers: M.Firyubina, S.Rajtburt

Operators: V.Kolyushev, E.Potievskij, A.Gorchakov

Composers: V.Zolotarev


1. "Mentor" - about a cotton mill worker O. P. Vakhmyanina and her students. 2. "Mirror" - the story of the appearance of mirrors in human life, about the role it plays in the modern world. . 3. "astronomy Lesson" - a game story that tells about astronomy.

Reel №1

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1. "Mentor".

Spinning shop.

O. P. Vakhmyanina-a worker in a cotton mill with young spinners.

Young people on the streets of the city.

Hands of a spinner.

O. P. Vakhmyanina about his students (synchronously).

Meeting of the local Committee of the factory(synchronously).

Spinners at work.

In the factory Dorm.

O. P. Vakhmyanina about his work with young people (synchronously).

O. Vakhmyanina with her granddaughter.


Vahmyanina O.P. - rabotnica hlopkopryadiljnoj fabriki v g.Reutov, Geroj Socialisticheskogo truda.


Moscow region



Reel №2

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2."The mirror".

Mirror-like surface of water.

Fragment of the shadow theater performance-the hero defeats the dark forces with the help of a mirror.

Antique statue with a mirror in his hands.

Scenes from the mirror (see picture).

The head of Socrates is a sculpture.

Wall mirrors in gilded frames.

Interiors with mirrors.

A woman, looking in the mirror, writes a self-portrait (drawing).

F. Parmigianino-self-portrait in a convex mirror.

Self-Portraits By Rembrandt.

Experiment with a candle placed between parallel mirrors.

Self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo's manuscript in sight and light.

Perseus using a mirror shield defeats Medusa Gorgon (picture).

Archimedes burning the Roman ships by using a concave mirror (figure).

Portrait Of Newton.

the first reflector telescope.

Modern mirror telescope.

Instrumentation. where mirrors are used.


Reel №3

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3. "astronomy Lesson".

Starry sky.

A young couple sits around a campfire and talks about astronomy: why the sky is dark at night, why the stars sparkle.

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story "astronomy Lesson".

A young couple is sitting by the fire, talking about the stars, planets of the Solar system.

Milky way (photo)

The Andromeda galaxy (photo).