Horizon 1969 № 3

Film-document №72899 6 parts, Duration: 0:56:23 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:55

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

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Director: Yu.Danilov, V.Ermakov, E.Ostashenko

Script writers: V.Solovjev, V.Hotulev, Yu.Danilov, I.Polyakov, V.ARhangeljskij, E.Ostashenko

Operators: N.Zotov, V.Gazeev, D.Fedorovskij

Composers: Sh.Kallosh, V.Kuznecov


1. "Words and time" - the history of the Soviet state in the frames of the chronicle. 2. "on the upper Pechora" -about the nature of the Pechora-Ilych reserve. 3. "Trial" - a game story based on the story of the same name by S. LEM.

Reel №1

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1. "Words and time".

View of the Peter and Paul fortress from the opposite Bank of the Neva river.

Salvo from the cannon at the Peter and Paul fortress.

Excursions on the territory of the Peter and Paul fortress.

Exhibition of the Peter and Paul fortress Museum.

One of the cameras.

The machine prints a proclamation.

Pre-revolutionary photos.

Chronicle of the demonstration.

Dancing on the deck of a ship (chronicle).

Equestrian monument to Alexander sh (chronicle).

Soldiers in the trenches (chronicle).

Winter Palace through the arch of the General staff.

Reset symbols of the tsarist (=chronicle).

Chronicle: the living Lenin.

Queue at the mausoleum (chronicle).

Chronicle: construction sites of the first years of Soviet power.

The first Soviet cars.


Photos and videos : the elimination of illiteracy.

Nuclear icebreaker "Lenin".

People come out of the subway.

People in front of the Bolshoi theater.

Football match.

The statue of "worker and collective farm girl".



Reel №2

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Morning in the village.

Tractor in the field.

At the bakery, ready-made loaves fly off the conveyor.

People buy bread in the store.

Ad: The rate of bread distribution for December.

Rations are cut off from a loaf of black bread (chronicle).

Winter siege of Leningrad.

A peasant sows bread on a horse (chronicle).

A man on two horses buries a field.

Chronicle: tractors plow the field (chronicle).

Modern combines in the field.

Grains in the palm of your hand.

Ripe ears of corn.

Photos of a happy face of a woman, a woman with a child.

People on the street.

Boat on the river.


Tear-off calendar with the date June 22.

Bust Of Hitler.

Rows of graves with German crosses.

Chronicle: Hitler with his hand raised in a Nazi salute.(chronicle).

Footage of the military chronicle is edited with footage from the film "Alexander Nevsky".

Fascist planes in the air.

Houses destroyed by bombing.

Photos of concentration camp prisoners.

Chronicle of the war years.

Meeting of warriors after the victory announcement (chronicle).

Moscow of the late 60s.

Monuments to the conquerors of Space : S. Korolev,Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova.

A kite in the sky.

Chronicle of the flight of one of the first air vehicles.

Launch of aircraft models.

The meeting of Chkalov (chronicle).

Helicopters are dropping leaflets.

Meeting Yu.


A Volley Of "Aurora".

Launch of the spacecraft.

Monument To K. Tsiolkovsky.

Cosmonaut in outer Space.

Reel №3

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2. "On The Upper Pechora".

The Pechora River.

Protected forest.

Several moose calves are lying on the edge of the forest in the grass.

A Forester on the river Bank beats off a scythe.

Chicks in the nest.

A moose calf drinks milk from a bucket.

A grown owl chick.

Forester on a boat with a motor rides on the river.

The Forester sets up hollows in the trees.

The Forester catches a duck with a net, checks the ring on the paw.

Trees felled by beavers.

Beaver under water.

Foresters chase a beaver on a boat, catch it with a net.

Foresters measure the beaver, attach a tag to the ear.


A Forester mows the grass in a meadow.

Boy catch fish on a fishing line.

A small hare in the hands of a Forester.

Reel №4

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Film adaptation of the science fiction story by S. LEM.

The hero of the story must win the right to be called a pilot, and for this it is necessary to pass a serious test.

During the test, controlling a single-seat rocket, he is waiting for a lot of unusual situations that require not only specific knowledge, but also quick reaction, courage, because sometimes his life will be at stake.

Reel №5

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Continuation of the story "Test".

Cadet Pirx enters the spaceship and closes the hatch tightly.

Sits in a chair and prepares to start.

Pilot Pirx is on the comm with flight control.

The pilot leans back in his seat, taking a comfortable position.

The hand presses the start button.

General view of the spacecraft cabin.

Control panel with flashing buttons.

Stars are visible in the window.

Pilot Pirx changes the position of the seat and sits down in it.

The pilot opens the notebook with the task.

Pilot's hands on the control panel.

In the window you can see the Ground.

A buzzing fly .

Pirx's Eyes.

The fly is sitting on the microphone.

The pilot is trying to contact The center.

The pilot throws a Notepad at the buzzing fly.

Notebook in zero gravity flying around the cabin.

Two flies on the microphone.


Reel №6

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Continuation of the story "Test".

Pilot in the cockpit of a spaceship.

The notebook with the task "lands" on the pilot's face.

The cover covering the fuses falls.

A large fly rubs its paws.

General view of the ship, the Moon is visible through the window.

Two flies on the fuses.

Flash of light.

The fly is stuck between two fuses.

Pirks unfasten the straps and gets up from the chair.

Large Moon.

Numbers on the devices.

The pilot crawls on the floor in search of the key.

The cabin shakes and Pirx falls.

Pirx is floating in zero gravity.

The pilot manages to get to the lever and pull it.

The instructor enters the cabin.

The pilot and instructor exit the ship.

They're at the spaceport, the ship hasn't left.

Cadet Pirx is met by one of the staff.

His fellow student, Burst, who "crashed" into the moon on a mission, is led past.