Horizon 1977 № 13

Film-document №72920 4 parts, Duration: 0:34:16 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:53

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Director: K.Rovnin, M.Tavrog, Yu.Danilov, A.Saranduk

Anchorperson: V.S.Rozov

Script writers: N.Endeljman, V.Kruglikov, K.Levitin

Operators: S.Suprun, V.Kryuchkin, E.Ueckij, M.Marjyamov, A.Kamionskij


1. "Lyceum day cherished" - about the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.. 2. "Cubes, robots and the starry sky" - about young technicians from different cities and their inventions. 3. "triumphs of geometry" - about one of the most ancient Sciences-geometry and its role in our lives.

Reel №1

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Liner notes to the almanac of the host V. S. Rozov.

1. "Lyceum day cherished".

Tsarskoye Selo Park.

Fountain in the Catherine Park of Tsarskoye Selo "Girl with a jug".

Building of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

The Interiors Of The Lyceum.

Portraits of Lyceum students of the Pushkin era.

Portrait Of A. Pushkin.

Manuscript of the Protocol of the 25th Lyceum meeting.

Portrait Of I. Pushchin.

Lyceum corridor.

Pushkin and Pushchin's rooms.

One of the Lyceum classes.

Drawing of an exiled settlement.

Pushchin in custody (drawing).

Portrait Of M. Volkonskaya.

A Letter To Pushchin.

Portrait of the Director of the Lyceum E. Engelhart.


Rozov V.S. - dramaturg


Leningrad region


the town of Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo)



Reel №2

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The continuation of the story of the "Lyceum cherished day".

The Lyceum Park, the interiors of the Lyceum.

Monument to Pushkin in Tsarskoye Selo.

Leading up to the next story.

2. "Cubes, robots and the starry sky".

Exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth 1976.


The helicopter, the lunar Rover.

Mechanical toy.

A child plays with dice.

the boy put the puzzle together.

"Talking robot.

The boy collects the electronic circuit.

The child puts electronic cubes.

Young designers are working on an egg counter for a poultry farm.

Several people on the roof are looking at the starry sky through a telescope.

Homemade motorcycles on the racetrack.

the guys in the club of young technicians.

Reel №3

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Continuation of the story "Cubes, robots and the starry sky".

Vision testing devices invented by young technicians.

Young technicians from Tbilisi.

Space vehicles invented by the guys.

Lead-up to the next story.

3. "triumphs of geometry".


Drawings depicting how a person's views on the shape of various bodies gradually changed.

Bust Of Plato.

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story "the triumph of geometry".

Portrait Of Kepler.

Drawings from Kepler's book "Secrets of the Universe".

Stephen Halse's experiments with peas.

Natural forms of crystals.

Human use of geometric shapes.

Engineers V. Makarov, N. Goncharov, V. Morozov and colleagues discuss an unusual hypothesis about the structure of the Earth (synchronously).