Starlet 1967 № 4

Film-document №72987 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:46 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:20

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Director: E.Ostashenko, G.Eljnickaya, Yu.Danilov, M.Kameneckij, I.Ufimcev

Script writers: A.Dorohov,B.Zahoder, D.SarabjyanovL.Zubkova

Operators: D.Fedorovskij, L.Ziljbert, A.Popov

Composers: V.Yurovskij


1. "Ordinary Miracles" - about how you can get an infinite number of new substances from simple substances that are not found in nature. About the use of artificial materials in life. 2. "I'm not your aunt anymore" - a fairy tale about how a lizard was looking for a home. №. "What the pictures tell us" - a journey through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. 4. "Well, Ginger!" - a puppet cartoon based on the fairy tale of the same name by Lyudmila Zubkova about the funny adventures of puppies.

Reel №1

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1. "Ordinary miracles".

Various chemical experiments.

A volcanic eruption.

An iceberg in the ocean.

Experience: when hydrogen and oxygen combine, water is formed.

Interaction of sodium with water.

Chemical laboratory.

Production of plastic film at the factory.

Greenhouses covered with plastic wrap.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse.

A balloon in the sky.

Inflatable house made of film.

Packaging machines, packing sand, medicines in a film.

Production of plastic cans for gasoline.

Production of gasoline bricks in the laboratory.

Wintering, the cargo is dropped from the plane.

Fire, a firefighter extinguishes the flame with foam.

Foam packaging for fragile items.

The boat is made of fiberglass.

The boat rushes through the water.

A plane taking off.


Reel №2

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2. "I'm not your aunt anymore!"

A lizard on a rock.

The turtle crawls up to the lizard.

Hamsters come out of their burrows.

Badgers come out of the hole under the stump.

Badgers play near the burrow.

A chipmunk at the burrow.

Foxes at their burrow.

On the steep bank of the river there are nests of swallows.

Mice on the leaves of reeds near the water.

A mouse's nest in the leaves of a reed.

The mouse washes itself sitting on a reed leaf.

Frog on the bank of the river.

A stickleback fish makes a nest in the sand.

A bird's nest with a clutch of eggs.

The cuckoo is in the nest.



Reel №3

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3. "What the pictures tell us".

A man with a dog is walking along a narrow evening street.

The old man and the dog stop at a beautifully carved door.

The doors swing open and we find ourselves in a museum.

Halls of the Tretyakov Gallery without light.

Mammoth Hunt-picture

Drawings of primitive people.

Fragments of icons.

Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir in the hall of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Painting by V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka".

Painting by A. Kuindzhi "Moonlit night on the Dnieper".

Painting by I. Kramskoy "Mermaids".

Painting by M. Vrubel "Pan".

V. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf".

V. Vasnetsov "Three Princesses of the Underworld".

V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

V. Vasnetsov "After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians".

I. Levitan "Over eternal rest".

G. Myasoedov "The Zemstvo dines".

Portraits in one of the halls.

V. Tropinin "The Guitarist".

O. Kiprensky "The girl in the poppy wreath".

K. Bryullov "Portrait of I. Krylov".

O. Kiprensky "Portrait of A. Pushkin".

A. Kuindzhi "Birch Grove".

I. Shishkin "Rye".

A fragment of the painting by I. Aivazovsky "Rainbow".


Petrov-Vodkin "Bathing the red Horse".

Stairs in the Tretyakov Gallery.





Tretyakov Gallery

Reel №4

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4. "Well, Ginger!" (puppet cartoon).

Based on the fairy tale of the same name by Lyudmila Zubkova about the adventures of puppies who dream of flying into space.