Science and technology 1969 № 13

Film-document №75301 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:11

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Director: N.Stepanov

Script writers: Gurvich Yu., Krasiljschikov A.

Editor: Mahmudbek Yu.

Operators: Kaznin A.


1. The plane ... under water. 2. In a vertical stream. 3. Takeoff without takeoff. 4. Supersonic passenger.

Air transport

Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Aviation

Reel №1

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1. A plane taking off.

An airport.

People get on buses.

The plane is in the air.

Design bureau.

Mock-ups of airplanes.

Computer center.

Laboratory of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after


The operator is at the control panel.

The plane is in the air.

The pilot is in the cockpit.

The cabin of the aircraft.

Passengers are resting, a man is smoking.

The plane is landing.

Tests of the aircraft in the pool.

2. A model of an airplane in a tailspin in a wind tunnel (animation).

The model is in a tailspin.

Tests of a helicopter model in a vertical wind tunnel.

The vortex system of helicopter blades.

The helicopter is in the air.

3. Supersonic aircraft in the air.

A plane taking off.

The aircraft makes a landing, reducing the mileage with the help of braking parachutes.

The test pilot in the flight stand.

The dashboard.

Testing of a vertical take-off aircraft model.

Vertical take-off aircraft.

4. Urban landscape with Eiffel Tower.

Le Bourget Airport.

The air show.

A mock-up of a Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft.

Designers are discussing a new model.

Testing the model in a wind tunnel.

The control panel.

A supersonic passenger plane leaves the hangar.

An article in the newspaper.

Photo A.Tupolev.

Articles in foreign newspapers.



Air transport; Aviation
Transportation; Sectors of the economy