A selection of plots for the program "I Serve the Fatherland". (2003 - 2004)

Film-document №75609 1 footage, Duration: 0:36:05 to collection Price category V
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Scene 1 0:36:05

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Scene №1 A selection of plots for the program "I Serve the Fatherland"

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The report of Gleb Yakubovsky from the location of the Taman Division.

Saratov Region, January 2004.

Captain Evgeny Pavlov is going on combat duty.

Arrival at the command post.

The Minister of Defense and the President of Russia congratulate the new regiment with the interception for combat duty.

Fragments of military exercises and tours of the complex.

Return from duty home.

Our heroes:

The Bryansk Region, February 2004.

Former soldier, a fighter of the special unit "Vityaz" Oleg Kublin talks about the fighting in Chechnya.

Records from the personal archive of Oleg Kublin, 1996: preparations for the storming of the village of Pervomaiskoye.

Life on a citizen: agrofarm and weaving factory.

The plot of the training of military intelligence officers.

The exercise at the range of the 3rd motorized rifle division.

Fragments of the interview: the chief of intelligence of the 752nd regiment Ruslan Akbaev, the chief of intelligence of the 3rd division Alexander Khamitov.

The plot of Gleb Yakubovsky about fighters of the special unit "Rosich".

Evening check.

Battles for the village of Komsomolsk Urus-Martan district in 2000, the comments of the commander and regimental priest.

The training range of the operational division, the development of joint combat operations of tank troops, artillery and assault groups of special forces.

Our report:

Smolensk region, October 2003, a column of reserve officers on the march from Smolensk to Moscow.

On the eve of the All-Russian Forum of Military Servicemen, participants of the march are trying to draw attention to the problems of the army.

Fragments of the interview: captain 3rd rank retired Roma Baybourin, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Vladimir Zhukhray, reserve corporal Natalia Oleynik.

Gleb Yakubovsky's report on the anniversary of the Crimean operation in 1944, the personnel of the chronicle were used.

Memories of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Vasily Yeliseyev about storming Sapun Mountain.

Meeting of veterans in the military cemetery.

Report from the location of a separate platoon of the inmates of the chemical protection brigade.

Kineshma, May.

Exercises at the training ground, classes on physical and military training.

The commander of the chemical protection brigade Alexander Kudrichev and the platoon commander Valery Solovyev talk about the military education of orphaned children.

An example of the brothers Pavel and Andrei Popov, who helped identify the grandmother's grandmother Tamara Makeeva.


Ivanov S.B. - State, political and military leader, retired colonel-general, permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (2001-2007), head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation (2011-2016).
Putin V.V. - State and political figure, President of the Russian Federation, Master of Sports of the USSR in judo and sambo, Honored trainer of the Russian Federation, Colonel of State Security in reserve, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Khamitov A.R. - Lieutenant Colonel of the tank troops, teacher of the Chelyabinsk Higher Military Command Tank School, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Zhuhrai (Mironenko) V.M. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, veteran of the Second World War, writer.


2003-2004 2000 1996 1944


Saratov region
Bryansk region
Smolensk region
Ivanovo region
The Chechen Republic

Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Veterans; Childhood and youth
Defense and internal security; Social life