Volga lights 1985 № 24 First height

Film-document №76445 1 part, Duration: 0:09:56, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: D. Ibragimova

Operators: L. Denisov, M. Goljcev

Text writers: A. Sapronov

Other authors: D. Popova


Edition focuses on 7 all-Russia rally members of student production teams in Saratov.

Youth | Professions

Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Panorama of the quay of Saratov.

A passenger plane was taxiing to the airport building.

The arrival of the train at the station.

The emblem of the 7th all-Russian meeting of student production crews.

Participants of the rally going into the building of the Palace of culture.

Participants of the rally at the rally at the monument at the landing site of Yuri Gagarin.

A fragment of the monument to Gagarin.

The girl speaks into the microphone, the rally participants at the meeting, the view of the monument.

Persons serving girls, participants of the meeting and honorary guests.

Participants of the rally laid flowers to the monument.

Participants of the meeting during the draw.

The rise of the national flag of the Russian Federation.

A plowing land with a tractor and a plow, the faces of the members of the jury and participants.

Tractor participants while plowing the field, quality assurance plowed furrows.

Members of the jury check the theoretical knowledge of the participants of the rally.

Competitions in various agricultural professions.

Girl answers questions on agricultural and agriculture (synchronously).

Young farmers listen to one of the judges of the competition.

Demonstration of robots, layouts, and new developments created by the participants of a meeting.

Rally participants show their improvement and auxiliary agricultural equipment.

Tractors and self-propelled units for the demonstration area.

One of the participants tells the audience about his car.

Competitions for young breeders meeting participants at tables conduct a quick study of seeds of different crops.

The participant of the meeting of the Sverdlovsk region, tells about growing at the experimental station of horticulture winter-hardy varieties of fruit trees, the difficulties of the competition (synchronously).

Competitions for the care of fruit trees and their planting.

Grafting of fruit trees.

Panorama experienced a fruit orchard, where the competitions were held.

The girl tells about how the participants spend their leisure time (synchronously).

The preparation of the cultural programme, leisure participants.

Participants of the rally swim in the outdoor pool.

The judge checks the equipment of participants of competitions of young masters of machine milking.

Taking tests in preparation for the work of milking equipment, the faces of the participants and the members of the jury.

Machine milking cows of the participants.

The Chairman of the jury says about the main evaluation criteria of the competition results, comments on the actions of one of the participants of the competition (synchronously).

Judges are watching the actions of recent operators of machine milking.

The contestants milking cows.

Drain the cans of milk swedendenmark.

View of the milking platform.

The contestants await the results.

The judges confer before making a decision.

View of the Palace of culture in Saratov, where the meeting was held of the gathering.

View of the meeting room.

The members of the Presidium sit on their seats.

Participants of the rally.

Rewarding participants with medals, diplomas and valuable gifts, in the hall applauded.

Chairman of the Presidium of speech.

She shows a diploma.

The train passes the platform.




Saratov region



Agriculture; Life and leisure
Sectors of the economy; Social life