Lower Povolzhie 1963 № 18

Film-document №76669 1 part, Duration: 0:10:14, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:14

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: V. Tyuhmenev

Operators: G. Bojnenkov, A. Sofjin, B. Ciperman


Issue devoted to the visit of the head of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro in Volgograd.

Foreign policy | Political figures

Policy | Biography

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Fidel Castro in Volgograd.

Types of embankment in Volgograd, the fountain on the waterfront.

Monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad in city squares and parks.

The city parks trees in spring bloom.

Slogans in honor of Cuba in Spanish on the walls.

People buy Newspapers at a kiosk.

Residents of Volgograd are reading the Newspapers reported the arrival in town of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro.

Soviet and Cuban flags on the wall of the building.

Aircraft of the Cuban delegation after landing at the airport.

Castro down the ramp, responsible for greeting the greeters.

Meet Cuban guests in Volgograd residents waving flags.

Meeting of the Cuban delegation at the ramp.

Portraits of Castro and Khrushchev in the hands of the greeters, those students with flags in their hands.

Castro and his entourage are on the carpet.

Honor guard in the ranks.

Persons found.

Castro bypasses honor guard.

Honor guard passes in front of Castro.

Movie and TV cameramen are filming from the roof of the airport building.

Our people applauding the Cuban leader.

Castro applauds in response.

Castro delivers a welcome speech in Spanish, translator N.With.

Leonov converts speech into Russian language (synchronously), behind Castro is Yuri Andropov.

Castro finishes his speech, everyone applauded.

Castro and the Cuban members of the delegation leave the airport, Castro welcomes residents of Volgograd from the car.

Residents of Volgograd welcomed Castro, passing in an open car through the streets of the city.

Flying the national flag of the USSR.

Castro and the Cuban members of the delegation laying wreaths at the grave of the defenders of Stalingrad on the square of Fallen Fighters, may 6, 1963.

Eternal flame burns.

Castro and the Cuban members of the delegation at the Eternal flame during a moment of silence.

Motorcade of the Cuban delegation moves through the streets of Volgograd, people welcomed Castro.

The motorcade drives past the ruins.

Monuments and the construction of the war memorial complex on the Mamaev hill.

Members of the Cuban delegation during a visit to Mamaev Kurgan, the Castro listening to explanations about the construction of the memorial complex.

Castro sits in the car, people waving flowers.

The arrival of the Cuban delegation at the Volgograd tractor plant.

Meeting Castro, the plant's staff.

The Cuban delegates held in one from the factory.

Castro inspects the shop and a new tractor, listening to explanations Director of the plant.

Handing Castro a model of a caterpillar tractor as a gift.

A motorcade of the Cuban delegation sent to the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Types of the Volga hydroelectric power station.

View of the turbine hall HPP.

Castro and the Cuban members of the delegation visiting the construction of the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Type of dam of the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Castro departure after inspection of the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Residents of the city of Volzhskiy welcome Castro, passing through the streets of the city.

The construction of new industrial facilities in the Volga district.

Panorama of the stadium in Volgograd during the Soviet-Cuban friendship (top).

Castro from the podium welcomed the demonstrators.

Rotor greet Castro and applauding.

Castro speaks from the podium with the speech sounds translation into Russian language (synchronously), views of the stadium during a rally (above).

The demonstrators applauded at the end of the speech Castro.

Panorama of the stadium during a rally (above).

Seeing Castro and members of Cuban delegation at the airport of Volgograd.

Pioneers waving flags, Castro says goodbye at the ramp.

Castro climbs the ladder, waving goodbye to hand, accompanied by waving in response.

The plane was taxiing to the runway, Cuba flag over the building of the airport.

Pioneers waving flags.

The plane takes off.


Kastro Rus Fidelj -- Cuban revolutionary, statesman and political figure
Andropov Yurij Vladimirovich -- state and political figure, head of the state security
Leonov Nikolaj Sergeevich -- the interpreter, an employee of the state security




Volgograd region



Industry; Rallies; Monuments
Sectors of the economy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Culture and Arts