Lower Povolzhie 1960 № 7

Film-document №76974 1 part, Duration: 0:06:57, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:06:57

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: A. Sergeev

Operators: A. Buldakov, D. Ivanov, D. Ibragimov, B. Ciperman, S. Avloshenko

Other authors: G. Kovalev


Issue devoted to various aspects of life in the Saratov, Stalingrad, Astrakhan, Tambov regions.

Reel №1

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1. Unforgettable meetings.

Old Bolshevik V. A. Nesterovskaya during a meeting with the pioneers squads of high school № 85.

The pioneers sit at the table, nesterovskiy sits under a portrait of Lenin.

Nesterov said the pioneers of Lenin's speech in December 1919 on the 7th all-Russian Congress of Soviets (synchronously), the faces of the pioneers.

2. To peace work.

Reserve captain M. I. Galkin, dismissed from army in connection with the reduction of the Armed forces, while working at the planer at the Astrakhan plant.

The 30th anniversary of the October revolution.

Face Galkin and his mentor Akhmedzhanova.

A demobilized soldier N. In.

Ostapenko works on the milling machine.

Turner Yurasov in the machine.

View of the shop.

3. Calf Alexander Aramova.

Face calf farm "Kamykowski" Hramovoi.

Aramova preparing a vitamin feed for calves.

Aramova feeding calf with milk from hand-drinkers.

Weighing the calf.

Veterinarian Bylinkin examines the calf.

4. The Virgin Lands Of Kazakhstan.

Tractor Assembly for column "Komsomolets Kazakhstan" at the Stalingrad tractor plant.

Tractors leave the plant gate.

The delegates thank the virgin soil of Stalingrad workers.

Loading tractors on flatcars for shipment to the virgin.

The tractor on the platform.

A trainload of tractors sent to Kazakhstan.

5. Spring fashion.

Demonstration of new models of women's and men's clothes spring season of 1960, fashion models on the podium, face the audience.

6. In the championship of RSFSR.

Competitions in speed skating in Tambov.

Fans in the stands.

Skaters in the race.

View of the treadmill.

S. Novikov at a distance of 5000 meters.

The fall of one of the participants.

Finish one of the participants.

Fans in the stands.

The winner of the competition in the standings, Y. Ryzhkin at the finish.




Saratov region
Astrakhan region
Tambov region



Industry; History; Agriculture; Life and leisure; Sporting events; Russian cities and regions
Sectors of the economy; Social life; Sport; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature