Lower Povolzhie 1963 № 10

Film-document №77085 1 part, Duration: 0:06:14, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:06:15

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: Ya. Volovik

Operators: S. Avloshenko, D. Ibragimov, B. Ciperman, K. Lavigin, Yu. Selivanov


Issue devoted to various aspects of life Saratov, Astrakhan and Tambov regions.

Reel №1

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The leaves of the Book of honor Tambov sewing factory with portraits of the leading workers.

Internal view of one of the workshops of the factory.

Raisa Ananiev at work.

Face Annieway.

The worker of R. I. Ilyin at the sewing machine.

Leader Vladimir Gusev at work.

Workers wear ready women's coats on the mannequins.

The Chairman opened the solemn meeting of the labor collective of the Saratov furniture factory, dedicated to the presentation of awards to the workers of the factory - participants of the great Patriotic war.

Faces of workers-participants of the meeting.

Representatives of the military presenting the award to master G. V. Doronin, congratulate him.

Face Doronin.

Meeting participants applauded awarded to veterans.

Presentation of military orders work Chernogaeva and Zakharov.

Meeting participants and guests applauded.

Professor Polyantsev will hold the next operation in the Volgograd regional hospital.

Kind of a new illumination device "Light 15" with a camera and a television lens.

Medical students follow the work of the surgeon from a nearby hall on television.

Components and assemblies working computing machine.

Panorama of the space of computing center of Saratov state farm "Elansky".

Entering data in tabulating car.

View of the building of the computing center in the Central manor farm.

Workers of the Astrakhan shipyard to observe the work of the artist K. D. Inozemtseva, writing industrial landscape.

The court in repair docks.

Artist P. N. Milkin in the workshop selects the paintings for the upcoming exhibition.

Fragments of paintings Milkina.

Artist V. S. Zharkov-Volzhskiy paints a picture.

Fragments of paintings Zharkova Volga.

Excavator falls asleep the ground in the back of the truck.

The driver behind the wheel of the truck.

Heavy dump truck "BelAZ" carries the load.

The trucks poured the ground during testing, Berezovsky plant in Saratov region.

The driver inspects the wheel of the truck.

Car "Moskvich-402" passes under the standing truck.




Tambov region
Saratov region
Astrakhan region



Industry; Meeting; Medicine; Artists; Automobile transport; Russian cities and regions
Sectors of the economy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Science; Persons of arts; Biography; Culture and Arts; Visual Arts; Transportation; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature