Lower Povolzhie 1964 № 30

Film-document №77139 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:11

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: Ya. Volovik

Operators: V. Mitin, S. Avloshenko, A. Sofjin, B. Ciperman, I. Andrievskij, G. Bojnenkov, K. Lavigin, Yu. Selivanov


Issue devoted to various aspects of life in Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan and Tambov regions.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The production process in plants of Balakovo chemical plant.

Plant workers on production line cord.

The production process of the cord from pulp sheets.

Manufacturer of Cordoba fabric, workers at the bench.

Weaver T. Zalogin at the machine.

Transportation of the roll of finished cloth with the help of forklift.

The beet harvest at the farm "Bondarsky" in Tambov region.

Cut beet tops with a mower-chopper.

Beet harvester.

Foreman V. Solojenkin at the controls of the harvester.

Mechanical unloading of trucks with beets.

Mountain beet under the conveyor belt.

The types of transformer substations.

Panorama of the Central square of the city.

Views of city streets and buildings.

The view of the Palace of culture.

Sasha Bryzgunov with his younger brother pass through the alley past the sculptures.

The view of the Department of the Volgograd candy factory.

The process of making candy.

The finished products on the automatic line.

The work of one of the sections of the automatic lines for packing of candies in wrappers.

Samples of finished products of the factory.

Astrakhan fishery G. E. Gibshman collects the fry into the container using a net.

Hibshman and his friends to the house of Aza tea table study a book about aquarium fish.

The fish in the aquarium.

Gibshman considering they bred aquarium fish.

Fish behind the glass of the aquarium.

Solemn procession at the stadium "Trud" in Saratov during the opening of the competition for rural athletes.

The technical relay of the tractor-field brigade.

Check the technical condition of the tractor.

Competition for the repair of equipment.

Participants on the fire stage of the competition.

Competition in tug of war.

Patients in the queue to the dentist.

The types of hall new dental clinic in Saratov, the nurse calls the next patient.

Sort of dental office.

Dentists at work, the process of dental treatment in patients.

Patients in the lobby waiting admission.

The audience before the performance in Saratov puppet theater.

The beginning of the puppet show "the divine Comedy" on the play by I. Shtok.

The girl's face in the hall.

Fragments of the play.

The audience applauded.




Saratov region
Volgograd region
Astrakhan region
Tambov region



Industry; Agriculture; Sporting events; Medicine; Theater; Russian cities and regions
Sectors of the economy; Sport; Science; Culture and Arts; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature