On the New Way.. (1976)

Film-document №7845 1 part, Duration: 0:09:28 to collection Price category C
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:15

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Galin I.

Script writers: Makarcev U.

Operators: Grigorev N., Galin I.

Anouncers: Khlebnikov A.

Text writers: Nikolaev L.


Cooperation working depot "Moscow-sorting 'and workers of the GDR.

Foreign policy | Economic cooperation

Policy | Sectors of the economy

Temporary description

A team of fitters - repairmen master AN Logunov train Moscow-sorting depot for repair locomotives. Newsreel: The first communist Saturday in Moscow-sorting depot (1919). Rally in Moscow-sorting depot on the occasion of the conclusion of a socialist competition between the team and the team AN Logunov German workers Brandenburg plant railroad mechanics. N. stands Logunov. Conversation German and Soviet workers. Farewell to the German guests. By rail pass locomotives, train, "Youth" children's railway.

Reel №1

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Cooperation working depot "Moscow-sorting 'and workers of the GDR.