Blinded the counter. (1985)

Film-document №80190 1 part, Duration: 0:04:49 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:04:50

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Director: G. Rezepova

Script writers: A. Annenskij

Actors: A. Demahin, A. Vorobjev, A Vedenkin

Operators: I. Morgachev


An instructional film for drivers on the proper use of lighting devices of the vehicle while driving.

Automobile transport

Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

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The instructor conducts the class according to the rules of the road at night in the winter.

A visual aid for drivers to use dipped and main beam, shows photographs of the accident because of the blinding of the driver of the oncoming light.

Kind of a turn on the icy winter highway.

The driver lights a cigarette.

The driver's face.

Solar flare and sparkling snow on the road.

The driver on the go begins to tune the radio.

Oncoming cars driving with headlights on.

The driver's face.

Road at sunset.

Switching of light of headlights.

Oncoming cars with headlights.

The instructor in the lesson is reminiscent of the cases of increased vigilance on the road while driving, the actions of the driver in the blinding light of counter - (synchronous), one of the drivers with a Rubik's cube.

The face of the driver behind the wheel.

The driver who collected the Rubik's cube, signed the log book instruction.

A car is overtaking a truck, the driver looks after him.

The driver of the car repairs Faro.

The truck driver behind the wheel.

Rubik's cube on the seat.

The driver of the car overtakes.

Skidding on a snowy road.

The driver of the truck in the cab.

The car blinded the driver of the truck.

A collision will result, blinding the driver.




The Republic of Tatarstan

