Swallow's Nest. (2004)

Film-document №80287 1 part, Duration: 0:09:33 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:33

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Director: Eduard Guschin

Script writers: Rioritta Rubcova

Operators: Nikolaj Djyakov

Recordist: V. Klyachkin, V. Korablev

Painter: I. Azimov

Other authors: S. Gubin, T. Davletshina, R. Gladkova


The film tells the story of the Kazan school for deaf children and its founder - teacher of the deaf Elizabeth Gurievna Swallow.

Childhood and youth | Education

Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The text of the encyclopedic article about the sign language teacher E. G. Lastochkina.

Newsreel of the first half of the 1960s: Lastochkina enters the Kazan school of the deaf and Dumb.

A sign with the name of the school.

Lastochkina leads a class at school.

The children applaud.

Drawings and photos of Kazan at the beginning of the 20th century.

Types of buildings and streets of Kazan.

Exhibits in the museum of the Kazan School of the deaf and dumb.

Cover of Lastochkina's personal file.

The completed fields in the questionnaire.

History teacher V. Semagina talks about the life and work of Lastochkina, reads a fragment of her memories, talks about documents related to the life and work of Lastochkina (synchronously).

Portrait of Lastochkina in her youth.

Cover of the report on the education of deaf and dumb children.

Photos of the streets and squares of Moscow in the late 19th century.

Portrait of the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Types of city buildings.

Photos of classes in the classes of the Kazan school of the deaf and dumb, texts of diplomas and commendation sheets.

Photos of school graduates.

Portrait of Lastochkina in the early 1920s.

Director of the school Lapshin talks about the tasks facing the school of the deaf and dumb in the first years of the 20th century, the work and tasks of the school today (synchronously).

Classes in the carpentry workshop of the school.

Students making wooden crafts and patterns, the faces of students and teachers.

View of the school building.

A sign with the name of the preschool department.

Toys on the shelf.

Children during a speech communication class.

The headmaster talks about the problems in teaching children and the reasons for their future difficulties (synchronously).

Students during a drawing lesson.

Students ' work.

Speech communication class.

Individual lesson of a student with a teacher.

Stand with cups and medals won by students of the school at sports competitions, swimming training.

A pupil of the school, the champion of the 19 World Games of the Deaf Olya Fedorova with the medals won.

O. Fedorova during classes at school.

Portrait of Fedorova.

Photos of Lastochkina in different periods of her life.

Lastochkina's friend Ekaterina Krinchuk talks about her (synchronously).

Photos of Lastochkina while working at a school for the deaf and dumb.

Photos of the opening of the monument to Lastochkina in 1967.

Newsreel of the mid-1960s: Lastochkina rides in a cab through the streets of Kazan.

Photo of Lastochkino sitting in a cab.

Children at the monument to Lastochkina in Kazan.


Lastochkina Elizaveta Gurjevna -- teacher of the deaf


1960s 2004


The Republic of Tatarstan



Social life