№ 17 The Allies[The Unknown War]. (1979)

Film-document №8183 6 parts, Duration: 0:44:58 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:32

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)
With the participation of Ejr Tajm Internejshnl

Director: Soloveva N.

Script writers: Itskov I., Karmen R., Slavin K.

Composers: Geviksman V.

Anouncers: Lanovoy V.

Text writers: Itskov I.


About assistance rendered to the Soviet Union by Great Britain, France and USA during the World War II.

World War II


Temporary description

1 hour - London: streets, squares and embankments. Churchill talks with Roosevelt on board the ship during the signing of the Atlantic Charter. 2 hour-Molotov's visit to London. Churchill and Molotov signed a treaty of alliance. Caravans allies in the sea, Luftwaffe. Talks in Moscow: at the table sit Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. Says L. Pavlyuchenko. 3 hours - the United States: a rally of solidarity with the USSR. Fireworks in Moscow in 1943. 4 hours - Meeting of Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, in Tehran. Stalin, Churchill gives a sword. Besieged Leningrad. 5 hour - Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery. The landing of the Allies in France. Roosevelt, speaking before the White House, the people applauded. 6 hours - Negotiation of Heads of State Allies at Yalta. A meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe. Zhukov Awards Soviet orders Generals Montgomery and Eisenhower.

Reel №1

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B. Lancaster says (simultaneously in English).

Photos - Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill.

Newsreel - Sit Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill.

1941 - Nazi swastika.


Wagon rides, go refugees.

Shoot guns, guns.

Pass the Germans.

Go wounded are militias.

Burning houses.

UK - Churchill Speech June 22, 1941.


The people listening to the radio, listen to the soldiers.

USA - The White House.

Press Conference of President Roosevelt on the provision of aid to the Soviet Union.

Prewar shooting - Forests.

Oil rigs.

Train with coal.

Departments of the factory.

Cotton harvest.

Grazing cattle eared bread.

1941. - The visit to Moscow Special Assistant U.S. President Harry Hopkins.

Military Moscow - cars passing by, carry balloons.

Bolshoi Theatre.

Anti-aircraft gunners.

Embankment of the Moscow River.

Meeting on board the ship in the Atlantic, U.S. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (at the time of the meeting was adopted by the Atlantic Charter).

Reel №2

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Newsreel - 1942.

Work at factories were evacuated, people unloaded structure, work welder, guns and tanks in the plant shops.

Shoot the German guns.

Soviet soldiers are fleeing the attack, explosions.

The wounded man drinks water, the soldiers dragged ammunition.

Visit to London in the spring of 1942 the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Molotov.

The signing of the Anglo-Soviet treaty of alliance in the war.

Churchill and Molotov signed the document.

"Pravda" and "Red Star".

The soldiers read newspapers.

Antitank obstacles in the streets of Moscow.

Sending in the Soviet Union from the United States and Britain of war materials - cargo aircraft and tanks.

Soviet soldier talking to soldiers of the allies.

Transportation of military cargo on the mountain roads of the Caucasus.

Transportation to Russia military aircraft from the airfield in Alaska.

Transport Allied ships at sea.

The Luftwaffe bombed the ships, sailors wear safety belt, fire naval guns, shot down the plane falls, blows up the ship, the ship is sinking.

Ships at sea.

Meeting on a warship of Roosevelt and Churchill at the opening of a second front.

Allies are soldiers on car rides Roosevelt.

Churchill sitting.

Moscow visit of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met at the airport, the talks in the Kremlin with Stalin.

Present at the talks, U.S. Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman.

Demonstration of solidarity with the people of the Soviet Union abroad.

Stay in New York Lyudmila Pavlichenko - sniper, killing 150 necks fascists. L. Pavlichenko speaks at a rally (simultaneously in English.


UK - The British Minister Lord Beaverbrook speaking at a rally (sinhronno.) with a call to give all possible assistance to the Soviet Union in the fight against Nazi Germany.


Reel №3

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Newsreel - Collecting funds for the USSR, organized by Dean of Canterbury H. Johnson.

Abbot H. Johnson.

A meeting of solidarity with the Soviet Union to the United States.

Performs First Lady Roosevelt - E. Roosevelt.

Item donating blood for the Soviet soldiers.

Says a female donor (simultaneously in broken Russian.)

Toys collected for Soviet children.

Go out of the factory tanks Worker.

Pianist plays (synchronously).

Listen to the workers.

The orchestra.

Work steelworkers, the tank at the factory shop.

Machinist, working boy.

Workers packed bomb.

Planes in the air, fleeing soldiers, moving tanks.

1943. - Fighting Soviet troops.

Nurse pulls the wounded.

Soviet soldiers were ferried by boat.

Soviet tanks in the streets of Kiev.

Fireworks in Moscow.

Members of the Allied Command at the map.

General Eisenhower at the map.

The landing of U.S. and British troops on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa and Sicily.

Churchill arrives in North Africa.

Reel №4

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Newsreel - 1943.

The building of the Soviet Embassy in Tehran.

The leaders of the three powers, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill at the Tehran Conference.

At the conference, there is the British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden.

Pass Stalin and Molotov.

Stalin, Churchill presents honorary sword - a gift to King George defenders of Stalingrad.

Stalin and Churchill shake hands.

U.S. actor reads (simultaneously in English.

Language) monologue Alexander Nevsky of Soviet film.

Modern Survey - Volgograd.

Sculpture "The Motherland" (the plane).

Newsreel - Destroyed military vehicles, is a column of tanks, soldiers go.

The manifestation of the unity and friendship in New York.

Present Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. Gromyko.

Orchestra under Stokowski Leonid performs 7th symphony of Shostakovich, he wrote in the besieged Leningrad.


Soldiers, firefighters extinguish a fire, are wounded.

Crumbling house.

Draws a boy.

Children's drawings: guns, burning airplanes, airplanes in the sky.

Bandaged boy examines drawings.

Release from masking monument to Peter 1. People on the Anichkov Bridge.

Sculpture of horses.

In the auditorium of the theater remove covers from the chairs, put decorations.

People buy books on the street riding a tram.

1944 - The fighting Soviet troops: moving tanks, fly planes, are members of the command, shoot "Katyusha", explosions.

Fleeing soldiers in Sevastopol, in the woods, on the battlefield.

The soldier secures the flag, watching the soldiers, the soldiers removed their hats.

Border post on the border of the USSR restored.

Contemporary photography - flying birds, landscape, birds on the roof, stacks of hay in the field.


Newsreel - flying planes, watching the soldiers.

Military airfield at Poltava, in which, after the bombing of Germany landed American and Soviet aircraft.

Cost signalman lands plane.

Pilots of the aircraft.

The visit of the U.S. Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman to Poltava.

Harriman Awards Soviet pilots U.S. military awards.

Read the cameramen.

Sports competitions among pilots.

Women soldiers distribute food.

With the truck unloaded bombs.

Planes in the air, the pilot in the cockpit, drop bombs, explosions.

Reel №5

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Newsreel - June 1944.

Allied offensive - there are tanks are unloaded military equipment, and transportation.

Members of the Allied Command: U.S. General Eisenhower, British Field Marshal Montgomery.

Allied soldiers in prayer.

Allied troops crossing the English Channel - flying planes, paratroopers jump, soldiers running through the tunnel, ships at sea, the soldiers landed on the beach, firing naval guns.

Population of Paris welcomes liberators, the crowd is Charles de Gaulle.

Visit to Moscow in autumn 1944 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Negotiations Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.

Farewell to Winston Churchill at the airport, among the mourners Stalin and Molotov.

Fighting the Allied forces in the Ardennes.

The Soviet offensive on the Central Front.

1945 - fleeing soldiers, radio operator on the phone, on the street burning city riding tanks, are soldiers.

USA - Presidential elections.

The people on the square in front of the White House.

You step, the newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt (simultaneously in English.


The people applauded.

Reel №6

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Newsreel - Allied leaders Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Yalta Conference: ceremony for Roosevelt and Churchill at the airport, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the negotiating table.

Churchill stands (simultaneously in English.


USA - The Capitol building, cheering, President Roosevelt speaks at a meeting of the Congress (simultaneously in English.

Language) (last lifetime shooting Roosevelt).

A meeting of the Union and the Soviet troops on the Elbe.

Contemporary photography - party meeting on the Elbe, a former intelligence Robertson describes a meeting on the Elbe (sinhronno.).

Newsreel - A meeting of Allied troops on the Elbe, the American and Soviet soldiers raise their glasses, are members of the American and Soviet command.

Zhukov said.

Zhukov presents the highest Soviet award General Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery.

Parade of Soviet and Allied forces in the liberated Berlin.

Modern Survey - Interview of former U.S. Ambassador to the USSR Averell Harriman (synchronously).


Red Square, Moscow.

Are boys and girls.

Children in wheelchairs.

Monument to Soviet soldiers.

Photographs of soldiers.

Newsreel - Soldiers with a dove in a trench.

Movie №0