№ 15 From the Carpathians to the Balkans and Vienna[The Unknown War]. (1979)

Film-document №8197 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:36 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:21

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)
With the participation of Ejr Tajm Internejshnl

Director: Geleyn I.

Script writers: Itskov I., Karmen R., Slavin K.

Composers: Botyarov E.

Anouncers: Lanovoy V.

Text writers: Itskov I.


About liberation of Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Austria by Soviet soldiers.

World War II


Temporary description

1h. - Soviet forces cross the Carpathians. Marshal Rotmistrov with a group of soldiers. Crossing the Soviet troops. 2h. - The tank attack. Living in Bucharest met Soviet soldiers. Bulgarian partisans. 3 hours - Bulgaria welcomed the Soviet troops. Yugoslav partisans. German ad with a portrait of Josip Broz Tito. The partisans go to the mountains. 4 hours - Agreement between the USSR and Yugoslavia sign the Molotov and Josip Broz Tito. Fight with the participation of Yugoslav partisans. Living in Belgrade welcomed the Soviet troops. 5 pm - The fighting in Budapest. Dead Soviet envoy. Marshal Malinovsky. Residents returning to the city. 6 hours - Fighting in Vienna. Austrians destroyed the fascist symbols: flags, swastikas. Soviet soldiers building a bridge across the Danube.

Reel №1

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Says B. Lancaster (simultaneously in English).

Newsreel - 1944.

Carpathian foothills.

Scouts sit in a tree.

Soviet soldiers pulled a gun.

Soviet soldiers in the Soviet-Romanian border, crossing the border.

Commanders of the map.

Nazi atrocities in the occupied territories - lit village, the Nazis in the yard, dead people, the Germans searched the detainee, are arrested.

Photos hanged.

Hitler runs along the platform.

German soldiers marching.

Portrait of the companions of the Nazi regime - the Bulgarian King Boris, Hungarian dictator Admiral Horthy, the leader of the Romanian fascist Antonescu.

The Soviet offensive - shooting guns, commanders are looking through binoculars, fleeing soldiers.

The ferry, fly planes, anti-aircraft guns fired from the burning plane ejected paratrooper, killed by the Germans.

Marshal Rotmistrov tank forces with a group of soldiers, the captain in the tank.


Reel №2

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Newsreel - Soviet troops crossing the river in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains.

Commander speaks with soldiers.

The headquarters of the 2nd Ukrainian Front commanders at the map.

General Tolbukhin with commanders discussing the plan of operation.

Soviet troops attacked the position of the Romanian Army - shooting guns, "Katyusha", mortars and explosions.

Tank attack, flying planes, bombing of the railway junction.

Broken German technology, the corpses of German soldiers, German prisoners.

Romanian peasants plow the land, sow the seed.

Soviet soldiers talking to farmers.

On the streets of the city are Romanian Soviet troops, the people welcomed the Soviet troops.

On the streets of the city passing Soviet tanks, people greet the soldiers.

It takes a column of prisoners Romanian soldiers.

Demonstration of National Democratic Front of the liberated Bucharest.

On the streets selling newspapers, the people welcomed the demonstrators.

Passing military equipment.

Bulgarian King Boris down the ramp, is surrounded by the German command.

King Boris signs agreement with Germany.

Pictures of the victims of the Nazis.

Crying woman.

Bulgarian squad goes guerrillas, the guerrillas have radios, squad leaders.

Photos of dead Germans.

Photos guerrillas tortured by the Nazis.

Modern Survey - Bulgarian village of Batak, where the Nazis executed the entire male population.

The church in the village, sits a woman with an urn with the ashes.


Reel №3

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Newsreel - The movement of Soviet troops on the border with Bulgaria: the soldiers are on the mountain pass, the train is moving with technology, riding tanks.

Soviet tanks and troops through the streets of the Bulgarian city, the population welcomed the soldiers.

Pass the Bulgarian partisans embrace guerrillas.

Soviet forces in the mountain pass "Shipka".

The monument to the soldiers at the monument "Shipka".

The farmer herding sheep.

Newsreel, 1941 - Capture of Nazi Germany in Yugoslavia: the German planes bombed the Yugoslav cities.

German soldiers fleeing the attack, shooting guns, explosions, burning village.

Yugoslav peasants from their homes, go to the mountains.

Passes detachment of Yugoslav partisans.

Division of the German "mountain rangers."

Yugoslav partisans fighting against the fascists.

German announcement of a reward for the capture of JB Tito.

German planes dropped bombs.

The refugees are hiding in a crevice.

Pictures hung Yugoslav partisans.

German soldiers searched the house.

Yugoslav partisans are on the mountain pass, and relax.

Assistance to the wounded.

Delivery of Soviet aircraft and cargo aircraft allies camp Yugoslav partisans, the evacuation by air of wounded from the camp.

Reel №4

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Newsreel - 1944.

The signing of the Moscow agreement between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union on the joint fight against Nazi Germany.

The agreement signed by Molotov and JB Tito, at the signing ceremony there Gromyko.

Offensive strike force of the 3rd Ukrainian Front and parts of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia in the direction of Belgrade fly planes, shoot guns, "Katyusha", the moments of the fight.

The Danube River.

The commander looks through binoculars.

The ships of the Danube flotilla, shooting guns.

German soldiers in the trenches, the German radio operator.

The fighting on the outskirts of Belgrade - travel Soviet tanks fleeing soldiers, shoot guns, shoot the Yugoslav partisans, the moment of battle.

Are wounded on stretchers Soviet officer, Soviet and Yugoslav officers.

Fighting in the streets of Belgrade - shooting guns, "Katyusha", burning buildings, destroyed Belgrade.

Banner "Glory of the Red Army," a portrait of Stalin.

Liberation of Belgrade residents welcome Soviet soldiers on the streets of the city, a woman hugs a soldier embracing Soviet and Yugoslav officers.

Albania - Albanian guerrillas fighting against the Germans guerrillas in the mountains, shoot partisans, the German soldiers in the mountains, a fallen telegraph pole are partisans.

The population of Albania welcomed the Soviet soldiers.

Hungary - Passes Admiral Horthy, a group of officers, Admiral Horthy's card.

German soldiers in the streets of the Hungarian city.

German tanks, soldiers killed, a burning city.

Reel №5

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Newsreel 1944. -

The soldier wrote on the wall "Budapest".

Street of Budapest.

Germans killed Soviet envoy Captain Ostapenko.

Funeral Ostapenko.

1945. - The fighting Soviet forces to eliminate German forces in Hungary: flying planes, bombing and shooting "Katyusha", riding tanks, explosions, shooting soldiers, guns, different moments of the fight.

Read the cameramen.

Fighting in the streets of Budapest.

Soldiers driven gun, are wounded.

Soviet commanders from the map.

Marshal Malinovsky in the headquarters.

Captured German officers testify.

Moments of battle.

The commander of the Danube Flotilla Admiral Gorshkov, a group of officers.

Soviet tanks in midstream.

Fighting in the streets of Budapest, shoot guns, shouting soldiers, soldiers are machine-gun fire from the windows of houses.

The soldiers are wounded.

Explodes house fire in the city.

Refugees return to the city.

Broken German technology in the streets of Budapest, killed and captured Germans, is a column of German prisoners of war.

In the streets of Budapest are Soviet soldiers moving tanks.

Awarding of the Soviet soldiers.

Multrabota - Map.

The commander of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Marshal Tolbukhin a group of officers from the map.

Movement of Soviet forces in the direction of Vienna.

Fighting Soviet troops in the liberation of Vienna - flying planes, moving tanks, drop bombs, shoot guns, explosions.

Attack of Soviet tanks and infantry.

Reel №6

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Newsreel 1945. - Fighting on the streets of

Vienna, fleeing soldiers, fires in the city, are tanks, guns, explosions.

It takes a column of German prisoners of war.


Vienna, the cathedral, the monuments, the home of Mozart.

Viennese thrown from the building and burned the Nazi flag falls swastika.

Austrians shake hands with Soviet soldiers talking.

Refugees return to their homes, people clean the streets, the people are the logs, the men pulled tram.

Soviet soldiers building a bridge across the Danube.

The street is a woman with a stroller, children playing, people read newspapers.

Pass the Soviet military leaders and members of the Austrian government.

Over the building raised the national flag of Austria.

Area of ​​Vienna, monuments.

On the benches are people, the Soviet soldiers.

There is a soldier with the accordion.

Red Orchestra plays.

Viennese waltzing.

Movie №0