In the Name of a Noble Goal. (1979)

Film-document №8290 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:37 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:24

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kristi L.

Script writers: Kulikova G.

Operators: Averbukh M.


About activity of the Council for the Soviet and Chinese Friendly Ties, celebrating the 20-th anniversary. It is shot by the order of the Council of Soviet Societies of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.

Foreign policy | Society, social activities and community organizations | China (Politics)

Policy | Social life

Temporary description

1 hour - On the Amur River Chinese sailing ship. Chinese military exercises. Destroyed houses in Vietnam. The streets and embankments of Moscow. Conference Room in the Hall of Friendship House. Photo exhibition. Brezhnev. Inspection of the Chinese delegation ZIL. The Soviet delegation on the streets of Beijing. Chronicle: a rally in Red Square in 1924. Meeting in China. Speaker Sun Yat-sen. 2 hours - Says AY Kalyagin. Running and shooting, Soviet and Chinese soldiers. The Soviet and Chinese experts share their experiences. Uhonsky Metallurgical Combine: shop, casting metal. The Soviet exhibition in China. Playing Chinese pianist. 3 pm - Chinese faced Soviet sailors on the dock in Shanghai. Says the artist Efimov. Speaker Brezhnev.

Reel №1

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Amur River - LS. the top point.

On the river floats Chinese ship on deck are people - MS., CU.

Chinese military exercises.

Shoots Chinese.

Tank Explodes - different.


Destroyed houses in Vietnam - different.

Protest in the Soviet Union against Chinese aggression in Vietnam.

Poster "Shame Beijing aggressors!".

The speaker at the podium.

Listen to the Hall - LS., MS.

Photos: Meeting in Helsinki, the presidium.

China Assembly - CU.

Moscow, Kremlin, the building of the CMEA, embankment of the Moscow River, Kalinin Prospekt.

PNRM. at the House of Friendship - LS., MS.

The House of Friendship - MS.

III All-Union Conference of the Soviet-Chinese Friendship Association at the House of Friendship.

Meeting room.

Presidium of the Conference.

Listening to - MS., CU.

Says the first deputy chairman of the Central Board of the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Comrade.

SL Tikhvin - CU.


Listen to the staff of the Chinese Embassy - MS., CU.

SA film director Gerasimov opens photo exhibition (cuts the ribbon) - LS.

Visitors view a photo exhibition, watch the Chinese visitors.

Photo exhibition dedicated to the Sino-Soviet Friendship - LS., MS., CU.

Photo of Sun Yat-sen.

Visitors look - CU., MS.

Newsreel 1960:

In the hall of the Sports Palace listening, they applaud and stand - LS.

said L. Brezhnev at a Soviet-Chinese Friendship Society in Moscow (synchronous) - CU.

Listening - LS.

Cheering - LS.

Applaud Chinese - CU.

Meeting of the Chinese delegation on the ZIL.

Soviet workers welcome Chinese guests - MS.

Stadium in Beijing.

Chinese people welcomed the Soviet delegation - LS., MS.

Chinese women embrace Soviet woman-weaver.

Soviet weaver weaving factory in China - LS., MS.

Soviet delegation to the streets of Beijing - LS.

Chinese children applauded - MS., CU.

Chinese atrocities in front of the Soviet embassy in Beijing - LS., MS., CU.

Soviet schoolchildren study Chinese.

Inscription on the board in Chinese and Russian "Circle of Chinese Language.

Liu Hu-lan. "

Portrait partisan Liu Hu-lan - CU.

Schoolgirl at the blackboard.

The sign "High school № 2. VI Lenin »- CU.


Double Exposure - Portrait Vila.

The newspaper "Iskra".

Book VI Lenin - CU.

Newsreel 1917-1922.:

VI stands Lenin.

Conference - LS., MS.

The October Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd.

The capture of the Winter Palace.

Meeting of the Party Congress - LS.

Monument VI Lenin at Smolny in Leningrad - LS.

The newspaper "Izvestiya» - CU.


Protest in China - LS., MS.

AI book Cherepanov "Proceedings of the Military Adviser in China» - CU.

AI Cherepanov tells students about China (synchronously) - MS.

b / w.

Photo: Young Cherepanov in uniform.


Sun Yat-sen - the great Chinese revolutionary democrat - CU.

Students view pictures - CU.

Girl listening - CU.

A young man listens - CU.

b / w.

Photo: VK Blucher.



A group of Soviet and Chinese military - CU., LS.

Chinese buglers.

Story of Chinese soldiers - CU.

Photo: 1924

Rally at Red Square (on the death of Vladimir Lenin).


Rally in China.

Sun Yat-sen was speaking at a meeting in connection with the death of VI Lenin - different.

Photo: Lenin.


Sun Yat-sen - CU.

Chinese women embroidered portrait of VI Lenin.

Embroidered portrait of Lenin in different ways.


Rally in China - LS., MS.



Japanese militarism launched a war against China.

Run over by soldiers.

Shoot the gun from the ship.

City Lights - LS., CU.

Japanese through the streets of the city.

Banner on the battlefield - LS.

Photo: Protesters in the Soviet Union - CU.

Books on the desk - CU.



AJ stock Kalyagin gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos young AJ Kalyagina - CU.


Soviet military specialists in China - MS.

Reel №2

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AJ says Kalyagin (synchronous) - CU.

b / w photo: Military equipment - CU.


Chinese around carts.

Chinese soldiers with guns.

Soldiers fired from guns - LS., MS., CU.

On the tower and flags waving.

Tower blow - LS., CU.


Protest in China - different.

Rally - speakers and listeners - LS., CU.

Offensive of the Soviet Army in the Kwantung Army to Japan: Soldiers run, shoot, charge the gun.

Explosions - LS., MS.

In China, the area welcomed the Soviet troops.

Chinese welcome Soviet soldiers - different.

Photo: Chinese rock Soviet soldiers - CU.

Veterans of the Soviet-Chinese friendship - their portraits, photographs - CU.

Photo: In China, the monument to fallen Soviet soldiers - CU.

Flying the Chinese flag - CU.

Newsreel different years:

Landscapes of China - LS.

Chinese peasants at work in the field - LS., MS., CU.

Chinese delegation visiting the MTS in the Soviet Union - LS., MS.

Soviet worker teaches Chinese working - MS., CU.

Chinese delegates consider spikes in the wheat field, consider beet - MS.

Visits in Soviet collective farm - CU.

Soviet harvester working in the field in China - LS., MS., CU.

Train with Soviet technology - LS.

The Soviet and Chinese specialists are building a bridge in China - LS., MS.

Bridge Worker, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Lenin Prize Silin in the laboratory - MS., CU.


Silin on the construction of the bridge (with Soviet and Chinese experts).

Yangtze River Bridge - MS., CU.

Train passes over a bridge - LS.

Soviet and Chinese specialists in the construction of Changchun Automobile - LS., CU.

Soviet and Chinese workers on the ZIL Moscow.

Assembling cars - MS., CU.

Chinese workers, specialists are trained to the GEA, the Soviet metallurgical plant - MS., CU.

Shop Turbine Plant - LS.

Chinese worker among workers at the cable factory - MS., CU.

Chinese expert says - CU.

Chinese expert talks with Soviet workers.

Chinese and Soviet specialists photographed - Various.

Wuhan Iron and Steel Works - LS.

Casting metal.

Chinese workers are grateful for the assistance of Soviet specialists - different.

Assembly of the first Chinese car.

The triumph of the Chinese on the descent of the first car off the assembly line - LS., MS., CU.

Deputy Head of the tool shop ZIL PI Khristoforov talking to workers - CU.

PI Khristoforov gives interviews (synchronously) - MS.

Toolroom ZIL - LS., MS.

Chinese people visiting the Soviet exhibition in Beijing in 1954 - LS., MS.

Chinese visiting the exposition - CU.

Moscow, MSU.

The Soviet and Chinese students in the laboratory and in the audience - LS., CU.

Chinese cellist and Chinese pianist (synchronously), stand in the hall of the Conservatory.

Plays the winner of the first International Competition.

PI Tchaikovsky in Moscow - pianist Liu Shikun - different.


Liu Shikun bows - MS., CU.

Soviet ballerina Galina Ulanova rides in the car on the streets of Beijing - CU.

Beijing Street - LS.

Photo: Master Mei Lanfang Chinese scene, Galina Ulanova and others.

Mei Lanfang - CU.

Reel №3

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Fragment from the ballet Glier "Red Poppy" with GS Ulanova (synchronous) - LS.

The people on the dock of Shanghai welcomes Soviet ship, who came here on a friendly visit.

Soviet sailors take Chinese sailors on board - LS., MS.

Chinese woman dancing in the ship.

Soviet sailors applauded speakers - MS., CU.

Newsreel 1950-1959 gg.:

Said People's Artist of the USSR Boris Efimov (synchronous) - CU.

Moscow - The House of Friendship - LS.

Listen to the Hall of Chinese visitors - MS.

On stage, a pianist and a violinist (synchronous) - CU.

Museum of Fine Arts exhibition shows fine and applied arts of China.


Visitors view the exhibits - LS., CU.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Soviet-Chinese friendship, secretary of the Union of Soviet Writers, editor in chief of the magazine "Foreign Literature" Fedorenko is evening in memory of Chinese writer.

Fedorenko says (synchronously)

Listening - LS., MS., CU.

Exhibition of Chinese books in Moscow.

Visitors to the booth of Chinese classical poetry - MS., CU.

Hall Library of Foreign Literature.

The girls look books and drawings.

A young man listens to the tape - MS., CU.

Chinese textbook.

The teacher conducts a lesson the Chinese language.

Meets girl (simultaneously in Chinese) - CU.

b / w photos in 1979: China's first session of the National People's Congress of the fifth convocation.

He spoke - CU.

Statement by the Soviet government in "Pravda» - CU.


The Kremlin appears LI Brezhnev at the XXV Congress of the CPSU - MS.

Listen to the Hall - Various.

Page of the newspaper - CU.


Kremlin - LS., CU.

Movie №0