Participants of the 6th All-Union Film Festival in Almaty. (1973)

Film-document №83409 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:25 to collection Price category --
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Scene 1 digitized in HD 0:05:25

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Scene №1 Participants of the 6th All-Union Film Festival in Almaty

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the building in Alma-Ata.

Passenger plane at the airport, meeting the participants of the 6th All-Union Film Festival, who arrived in Alma-Ata.

Writer Smailov K. S. at the bus welcomes the participants of the festival.

Faces of the arrived participants of the festival, actor Ashimov A. A. talks with one of the guests who arrived.

Participants of the festival greet each other.

Participants of the festival go from the plane to the airport building, among them - the actress Kiriyenko Z. M.

Panorama of the building of the Palace of Culture.

Lenin in Alma-Ata.

Festival participants and foreign guests talk to each other in the lobby.

Zinaida Kiriyenko among the representatives of the Kazakhfilm studio, here-Begalin M. S.

Panorama of the part of the high-mountain sports complex "Medeo", the participants of the festival inspect the complex during the tour.

Participants of the festival plant trees in the park next to the film studio.

The faces of the participants, among them: Donskoy M. S., Aitmatov Ch. T.

Kiriyenko Z. M. gives an autograph to a girl in the foyer of the Palace of Culture.


Meeting of the festival participants at the airport.

The faces of the participants of the festival, planting trees, among them-Donskoy M. S.

Kiriyenko gives the girl an autograph.

Participants of the festival are directed from the plane to the airport building.

Actor Vsevolod Sanaev plants a tree.

Kirilenko A. P. among those who arrived in Alma-Ata, Ashimov A. A. talks with the arrived participants of the festival.

Smailov greets the festival participants before boarding the bus.

Participants of the festival plant trees, among them - Kadochnikov P. P.


Smailov Kamal Sejtzhanovich -- kazakh writer, art critic
Ashimov Asanali Ashimovich -- kazakh actor and director of theater and cinema
Kirienko Zinaida Mihajlovna -- theater and film actress
Begalin Mazhit Sapargalievich -- Kazakh film director, actor, screenwriter
Donskoj Mark Semenovich -- film director, screenwriter
Kirilenko Andrej Pavlovich -- statesman and politician
Sanaev Vsevolod Vasiljevich -- theater and film actor
Kadochnikov Pavel Petrovich -- theater and film actor, film director




Alma ata



Culture and Arts