Young Guests of the Olympic Games-80.. (1980)

Film-document №8458 1 part, Duration: 0:09:49 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:37

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Opryshko A.

Operators: Komm R., Lebedev A., Tsitron V.


On the Moscow Region Youth Camp opened during the Olympic Games-80 in Moscow for guests from many countries of the world.

Temporary description

Work of the International Youth Camp near Moscow in the days of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow: grand opening of the camp, the opening of the Olympic Games at the stadium in Luzhniki, Life in the International Youth Camp, Work Information Center, a tour of Moscow, visiting the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy USSR, Moscow Circus, sporting events of the Olympic Games, a concert in Krasnoyarsk Dance Company of Siberia, the Tretyakov Gallery, the ballet "Don Quixote" at the Bolshoi Theater (synchronously), the closing of the Olympic Games in Luzhniki. Seeing and departure of delegations from the youth camp.

Reel №1

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About a youth camp in the suburbs, open during the Olympics-80 in Moscow, for guests from around the world.