№ 3 A Difficult Field[Dearest]. (1981)

Film-document №8475 6 parts, Duration: 0:59:31 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:35

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Grigorev I., Gutman I., Pumpyanskaya S., Semenov T.

Script writers: Aleksandrov A., Borovik G., Ignatenko A., Slavin K.

Operators: Dobronickiy V., Orlov U.

Composers: Kazenin V.

Anouncers: Matveev E.


The film is about the revival of agriculture in the USSR after the war.

Historical background

A story about two farmers - K. Orlovsky - the chairman of the Belarusian farm "Dawn" and Posmitnogo M. - Chairman of Ukrainian collective farm. Remember in the struggle for the harvest in the difficult 1946, 1947, 1948 years: farmer Semenov, O., Tabatabulova B. - member transhumance from Kazakhstan to the war-torn areas, Kolkhoz Dreval T., AP Kirilenko - who was then first secretary of the regional committee of Mykolayiv Committee and others.

Stalin's era


Reel №1

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Ice drift, high water.

Plowed field, a tractor in the field.

Newsreel 1945-1950.

Broken military equipment in the field.

The return of refugees and soldiers in the village.

Life of peasants, a holiday.


Persons widows.

Leading film artist E. Matveev at the monument "The rifle and the plow" - Hero of the Soviet Union, the chairman of the collective farm KP Orlovsky, says (synchronously).

Photo by K. Orlovsky.

War Moscow.

Destroyed villages.

Gen. fire victims.

KP Orlovsky holds a meeting in the village.

Clearing fields, plowing in the Belarusian farm "Breaking Dawn"

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1945-1950.

Work in the forge.

Life of the village.

Groom A. Semenov harness horse plow.

K. Orlovsky teaches O. Semenova plow.

Old men teach boys to plow.

A. Semenov, talks about working on the farm.

Construction in the village.

Amateur production of bricks.

Townspeople help build the village.

Relocation of the dugouts in new houses.


Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Fighting for the liberation of the village, the village meets the guerrillas.

Collect gifts to Ukraine in the Georgian village Shroma, go carts with gifts.

Ship building materials and equipment for the areas affected by the war.

Reel №3

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From Siberia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan distilled cattle in the affected areas.

On the stretch of the shepherd tells B. Tabatabulova (synchronously).

Meet the flock in Ukraine.

Meeting trains with cattle.

Livestock Praskovya Malinin talks with the delegation, shows animals.


Preparation for planting in spring 1946, reclamation work.


Drought, dry fields and steppes gathering ears.

Riding trains with food and seeds.

Reel №4

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Snow-covered village.

"Pravda" newspaper in 1947 reported on the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

Meeting in the village koltsovki (synchronously).

Work on snow retention.

Plowed field.

Spring works.

On the spring 1947 talk: Ukrainian collective farm chairman LA Ivanischenko (synchronously in the field) and TI Dreval (synchronously).

Plowing, sowing.

Life of rural residents.

Photos of peasant children.

Threshing grain.

Women harbor furrow hay.

Rain in the village.

Tractor plow.

Photo of the first regional party secretary Nicholas AP Kirilenko.

Secretary of the CPSU AP Kirilenko tells about the year 1947 (synchronous

Listens E. Matveev.

Reel №5

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Assembly of agricultural machinery.

Pulls composition, laden tractors.

Chairman of the Ukrainian farm Makar Posmitnogo at a meeting in the office, on the field camp, checks seeding, congratulates farmers.

Photos MO Posmitnogo.

Women on the field work, are 16-year-old Nina Yakovlev.

Hero of Socialist Labor Yakovlev talks about working on the farm (synchronously).

M. Posmitnogo other farmers considering wheat.

Harvest combines.

Work on Mowers.

Udarnitsa P. Angelina at work on the farm combine old-Beshev.

Strong wind and rain in the field, the rain battered wheat.

Kolkhoznitsa sickles reap beaten wheat, mow it in the water.

Moscow, Gorky Street.

People on the street.

Shoppers in stores.

Dancing in the village.

Townspeople in harvesting grain.

Actors work on the current.

Ensemble performs at lezginka current.

Night work on the current.

Reel №6

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Photos of LI Brezhnev, NA Tikhonov.

Tells NA Tikhonov (synchronous)

Harvesting, delivery of grain to the state (day and night map).

The cameraman shoots kolkhoz.

Collective farmers look documentary at the club.

LI Brezhnev awards Moldovan farmers at the field camp at the exhibition.

Awarding a 24-year farm chairman Mary Pustik.

Honoring KP Orlovsky, the Hero of Socialist Labor M. Posmitnogo.

Yakovlev is preparing for the celebration.

Yakovleva at the ceremony.

Photo by M. Posmitnogo and his wife Pelagia (multrabota).

Fields of sunflowers, beets.

Harvest, towns (filmed from a helicopter).

Modern settlement.

Hotel on the farm "Breaking Dawn."

Monuments Posmitnogo M., K. Orlovsky.

Graduates of laying flowers at the monument to Orlovsky.

Monument "The rifle and the plow."

Night landscape.

RADIO collective farm.

Stalin, the announcer says (synchronously).

The collective farmers are going and go to work.

Passing trains with tractors and combines.

Says E. Matveev.

Movie №0