№ 7 And the Dawn Uprose[Dearest]. (1981)

Film-document №8479 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:32 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:01

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1 2 3 4 5 6

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Grigorev I., Gutman I., Pumpyanskaya S., Semenov T.

Script writers: Aleksandrov A., Borovik G., Ignatenko V., Slavin K.

Operators: Dobronickiy V., Orlov U.

Composers: Kazenin V.

Anouncers: Matveev E.


The film tells how socialistic countries appeared after the World War II.

Stalin's era


Temporary description

The film is about how to combat internal and external reaction to decide his fate of working people, liberated by the Soviet army during the Second World War and about how being born a socialist commonwealth. The film materials are used TSGAKFD USSR, GFF Soviet Union, foreign newsreel read: destruction in the city of Budapest, Dresden and Berlin after the Second World War, the victory salute in [Budapest], refugees are returning to Berlin, people of Berlin at a volunteer; inhabitants of Warsaw apart the rubble, the Soviet soldiers restore phone service in Warsaw, the Polish peasants pass on livestock and fuel, construction of residential houses in the Polish countryside, Romanian farmers have divided the landed estates, the Polish peasants receive documents on land use, drought in Romania in 1945; P. storm on M. Kalinin reception at the Kremlin; Soviet economic assistance to countries in Eastern Europe, attempts to seize power by the reaction in Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the victory of the Patriotic Front in elections in Bulgaria, numerous meetings of working in Czechoslovakia, demanding nationalization of industry; E. Benes signed a decree on the nationalization of industry, a Communist victory in elections in Czechoslovakia; statement Gottwald (synchronously in Czech), Czechoslovakia, the U.S. economic blockade, raising the American flag on the square in Prague; Bendera Slovakia; New Year's Ball at the Prague Chamber Opera, the distribution of products on cards in Prague, the visit of U.S. Ambassador Shteynharda Prague; Gottwald appeal to people in connection with the resignation of 12 ministers from the bourgeois parties (synchronously in Czech); Congress of Factory Committees in Prague, who voted for the program of the Communists, the strike of all industrial enterprises in Prague on February 24, 1948; Negotiations Gottwald and E. Benes; Gottwald speech at the rally, the creation of the Polish United Workers' Party; B. Bierut speaking at the Party Congress, Truman's speech to Congress a special message, which requires additional bills to fight Communism ( simultaneously in English), the building and emblem of the CIA; demonstrations in Iran, the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany in September 1949, the creation of the Democratic Republic of Germany in October 1949, speech by V. Peak (simultaneously translated into German); handover ceremony Management, owned by the Soviet military administration, the government of the GDR, American jets in Germany; oil fields in Romania, agriculture in Hungary, Soviet economic aid to China, burning houses, explosions, weeping women, children massacred during the Korean War 1950-1953, the g., the Soviet specialists working in a textile factory in Bulgaria, the Soviet builders working on the construction of the Palace of Culture in Warsaw and others. Used shooting read: Plant in Bulgaria; building CMEA in Moscow, building and production shop plant Csepel in Hungary, Leonid Brezhnev, presents the award factory "Csepel (synchronous); cosmonaut GDR Z. Yen, pilot cosmonaut BNR Ivanov, Soviet cosmonaut Bykovskiy at the launch site; species, the city of Budapest, Warsaw, Sofia, Berlin, Prague, the monuments to Soviet soldiers in Eastern Europe.

Reel №1

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The streets of Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest.

Report of Prague.

Monuments to Soviet soldiers in Prague.

Cech says the death of Soviet spy (simultaneously in Czech)

A man plays the organ, bells ringing monastery.

Newsreel 1945:

The uprising in Prague.

Attacked the Soviet soldiers.

Destruction in Budapest.

The people welcomed the Soviet soldiers.

Pass the Polish and Yugoslav soldiers kiss with Soviet soldiers.

Meeting of Bulgarian soldiers and partisans.

Stand and pass L. Svoboda, Fierlinger and other leaders, the Czech government.

Corpses of those killed by the Nazis in the streets of Sofia Communists.

Inspection of the cellar in Budapest, killing young heroes, pictures of heroes.

Fireworks on the background of the ruins.

A ruined mosque.

Destruction of Dresden.

Return of German refugees.

Gen. postwar Berlin.

The first communist Saturday

Reel №2

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Destruction of Warsaw.

Women pray at the destroyed church.

Analysis of the ruins, the restoration work.

Polish worker tells of the restoration of Warsaw.

Modern Warsaw.


Assist in the restoration of the Soviet soldiers in Warsaw.

Passing trolleys, sent from the USSR.

Polish farmers are Russian grain.

Soviet soldiers help the Polish peasants, leaving home, the leads.

Peasants in Eastern Europe, the life of the peasants.

Romania's fascist dictator Ion Antonescu.


Section peasants landed estates in Romania.

Newsreel 1945:

Drought in Romania in the summer.

Romanian Prime Minister GP Thunder in Moscow at a reception at MI Kalinin, P. and A. Storm Mikoyan sign the document.

The people welcomed P. Storm, who had returned from Moscow.

Reaction attempt to seize power in Bucharest: people were beaten, fleeing police, funeral.

Funeral in Poland supporters of People's Power.

Distributing of landed estates.

Dead, burning farmhouses.

And exchange are counterrevolutionaries.

Loads of weapons, confiscate weapons from the counter-revolutionaries.

Plowing in the village.

Police confiscate goods from speculators

Reel №3

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Newsreel 1945:

Hungary: sending fabrics and selling them in the village.

Bulgaria: help urban village, village electrification.

Drying tobacco.

Meeting and a celebration of the election.

Woman gives flowers outstanding figure in the international movement of Georgi Dimitrov, who became head of the government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria.

Electoral Commission collects ballots.

Industries and institutions of Czechoslovakia.


Said President E. Benes.

The meeting at the factory in support of nationalization.

Benes signed a decree on nationalization.

Preparations for the elections in 1946


Edvard Beneš and Prime Minister K. Gottwald, shake hands, says K. Gottwald (simultaneously in Czech).

U.S. Gen.

Ross talks with the representative of the Czech Command (simultaneously in English).

Warehouse with hidden bourgeoisie goods.

Newsreel 1947:

Drought in Czechoslovakia.


Rally in the square in Prague after raising the American flag.

Ceremonial welcome Gottwald, who had returned from Moscow.

Unloading wheat, sugar and other products sent from the USSR.

Slovak partisans in the mountains fighting the Bandera.

New Year's Eve Ball at the Prague Opera Hall.

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1945-1950.

Difficult situation in Czechoslovakia: sick children, people with ration cards.

Shteynhard U.S. Ambassador in Prague.

Undergo a run, other people, the people in the square.

Serves K. Gottwald (simultaneously in Czech).

Congress of Factory Committees, delegates vote.

Photo by E. Benes.

The general strike in Czechoslovakia.

Negotiations between Gottwald and E. Benes.

The people in the area welcomed Gottwald.

Romania: a rally at the factory.

Secretary of the Communist Party of Romania Mr.

Gheorghiu-Dej among workers.

To the President of the Polish People's Republic B. Take (simultaneously in Polish).

People clap, sing the "Internationale."

Pass the demonstrators.

Traitor F. Nagy, the Hungarian people with the family down the ramp.

Polish people Mikolajczyk traitor leaves the house.

President Truman speaks a special message to Congress (simultaneously in English).

CIA building, people enter the building.

Coup in Iraq crackdown arrested, killed.

Germany: train soldiers in Berlin.

Life of children.

Passes the Communist leader of West Germany M. Faiman.


Closing house named Ernst Thalmann.

The meeting in the western zone.

People at the magistrate of West Berlin, Hall Magistrate.


Reel №5

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The demonstration in East Germany.

The meeting of the Communist Party.

Congratulate one of the founders of the German Communist Party B. Pick, elected President of the GDR and delivers Pieck (simultaneously in German).

Ceremony of transfer of management functions to the Government, Marshal V. Chuikov reads the document.

Are people with flags and torches, waving.

Says a leading film E. Matveev (synchronously).


Flag on the Brandenburg Gate.

From the Brandenburg Gate rip flag of the GDR.

Said Social Democrat K. Schumacher (synchronously), people listen.

U.S. Jets in West Germany.

Transportation of tractors and farm machinery from the Soviet Union in the GDR.



Shattered neftevyshki, oil production in Romania

Workers pull rope.

Flatcars with boxes.

Products that is sent to Poland, Hungary, transportation timber, cotton in the people's democracies.

Visit foreign peasants in the USSR (the farm), says the chairman of the collective farm, Hero of Socialist Labor P. Malinin.

The farmer tells of a trip to the Soviet Union.

Hungarian peasant says (synchronously).

Work in a cooperative, working harvesters, agricultural buildings.

Inspection of individual farmers cooperative farms.

Soviet engineer to combine.

Rally in China.

Construction of the plant.

Help of Soviet specialists.

Chinese delegation on the ZIL Moscow.

Gen Korean children.

U.S. ship.

Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung.

Dispersal of a demonstration in South Korea.

Suppression of the revolt by military units in flight (searches, fire, arrested); weeping women and children.


Reel №6

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Beginning of the American aggression against the DPRK, the victim of aggression - dead and wounded (women and children), fires, destruction.

Pass Korean soldiers.

Arrival in Korea physicians from other countries sending Hungarian tractors to Vietnam.

Building in Warsaw.

Departure to Moscow foreign youth.

Soviet A. Weaver Chutkin teaches Bulgarian comrades.

Turner Seminsky teaches Romanian workers.

Soviet builders work in other countries.

Construction of the Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw, awarding the symbolic key to the President of the Council of Ministers of the Polish People's Republic Yu Cyrankiewicz.

Industrial landscape, plant in Bulgaria.

Are tanks, soldiers sit countries - participants of the Warsaw Pact.

Work at the Csepel Iron and Steel Works in Budapest.

LI Brezhnev gives award to the plant, acts (synchronously).

Bulgarian and Soviet cosmonauts before the flight, the rocket on the runway, astronaut in space.

General plans Budapest, Warsaw, Sofia, Prague and Berlin.

The building of the monastery in Prague.

Monuments to Soviet soldiers in Prague, Budapest, Berlin, mass graves.

Movie №0