A Heart is Beating. (1985)

Film-document №9048 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:57 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:46

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1, 3, 4, 5, 6;

1 3 4 5 6

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Koloshin A.

Script writers: Koloshin A., Lavrov A.

Operators: Goncharov A.

Anouncers: Kopchenko I.

Text writers: A. Kovalev


A film about the European movement for disarmament and peace.

Persons of arts | Society, social activities and community organizations

Biography | Culture and Arts | Social life

Reel №1

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Man and woman riding horses along the seashore.


Nuclear explosion.

Opening the front of a rocket mounted in the mine.

Boeing military aircraft flying over the earth.

Submarine floats on the surface.

The launch.

Clouds race across the sky (fast mode).

Assembly shop space rocket.

Factory worker says (synchronous and behind the scenes) the need to spend public money on defense.

Missiles in underground mine and installed on the ground.

Rocket driven on the road at night.

Eternal Flame at the Kremlin wall.

People lay flowers to the Eternal Flame.

Woman crying.

Memorial plaque on the house where the composer lived Sergei Rachmaninoff.

The building that houses Radio and Television.

Interview radio announcer Olga Vysotsky (behind the scenes and synchronous).

Newsreel 1940's .: speakers O. Vysotsky and Yuri Levitan in the radio studio.

Newsreel 24 June 1945 g .: Victory Parade on Red Square are columns of soldiers.

Throw fascist banners at the foot of the mausoleum.

Eternal Flame at the Kremlin wall.

Veterans at the Eternal Flame.

Little girl hesitantly walking down the street.

Writer Alexander Chakovsky gives interviews (synchronously) to participate in the struggle for peace and international Soviet writers.

Climb the stairs to the participants of the plenum of the Union of Writers.

Date of art on the sidelines.


Vysotskaya OS - Soviet radio announcer, People's Artist of the USSR.
Levitan YB - Soviet radio announcer, People's Artist of the USSR.
Chakovsky AB - Russian Soviet writer and journalist.
Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.


1940s 06/24/1945

Reel №2


Reel №3

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Concert in Hamburg in the rain.

Artists receives flowers.

Is a group of singers.

Lit sparklers.

Travel on the night street.

Is a demonstration with placards.

PNRM. inscription on board the ship "Alemania express".

On the shores of people waving their hands.

The ladder people come down from the ship to shore, they are met with applause.

The ship's captain speaks into the microphone (synchronous and behind the scenes) of solidarity of the workers in the struggle for peace.

Picket at the Hamburg Municipal Court.

Interview employee unions (synchronously) that the captain refused to ship to the ship cruise missiles.

PNRM. the hall, where the court hearing.

People on the street handing out leaflets to drivers of passenger cars.

Hall press conference on the anti-war struggle, performances at the microphone.

The street is a demonstration involving adults and children carry flags, posters.

Sea waves.

PNRM. the crowd of people.

The organizers of the Peace March says (synchronously) on their activities.

Photos of the first German Peace March.

The musical group from Germany performs a song from the stage of disarmament.

Have the microphone stands (synchronously), the writer Heinrich Böll, speaks of the importance of rallies for peace.

The crowd listening.


Belle GT - German writer, translator, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.


FRG (Federal Republic of Germany)

Reel №4

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People on anti-war rally in Germany.

Willy Brandt, greets the audience, stands at the microphone (synchronous and behind the scenes), said the reduction of nuclear missiles in Europe.


Music band performs on stage a song about the struggle for peace.

At night, people with torches and banners are along the road.

Photos: Police arrested the protesters.

Go to young people in leather jackets.

Two sheep dogs sitting in a closed car.

Camp for Peace, people sit, stand, talk.

Editor of the newspaper gives an interview in his office (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the successes and failures of the peace movement in Germany.

PNRM. for the participants of the rally.

Poster against the deployment of US missiles in Germany.

US Admiral Laroque speaking at the rally, says (synchronous and behind the scenes) of Pershing and cruise missiles.

The poster depicts President Reagan as Superman.

The missile flies vertically into the sky.

Fast-flowing river in the valley between the mountains.

Writer Chingiz Aitmatov says (synchronously) episode of the Vietnam War.

Newsreel 1970 .: American soldiers go.

Gen. helmet standing under the American flag.

Bombs are flying off the plane.

Vietnamese woman on the ground at gunpoint.

House is on fire.

Group of Vietnamese women and children.

Tank goes on the attack.

Vietnamese women and children.

Americans are prisoners.

American soldier beats kicking the door in the house.

Vietnamese are injured.

Lying on the ground Vietnamese beat kicked in the stomach.

PNRM. the faces of American soldiers.

Monument in Washington, DC (Memorial US Marine Corps) soldiers set an American flag on the top taken.

Shots of naval guns of the cruiser "New Jersey".

On the TV screen riding horses and shooting cowboys (fragments feature film).

Lily Sabitova dancer performs pop dance, depicting the American cowboy.

Animated pictures accompany the dance.

Nuclear explosion.


V. Brandt - German politician, Social Democrat Chancellor of Germany, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.





Reel №5

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Memorial complex of Abraham Lincoln.

Tourists at the monument to the American president.

The girl says (synchronously) on his nightmare.

Former deputy CIA director Herbert Scoville on vacation, his book about the missile threat.


Scoville is sitting next to the fireplace, says (synchronously) on the need to reduce nuclear weapons.

The former head of the US delegation at the negotiations on the SALT Paul Warnke gives interviews (synchronous and behind the scenes) the impossibility of a new world war.

Alarm at the US military base, the crew runs to the plane.

The pilot in the cockpit.

The Rise of the American bomber.

Fleeing soldiers.

The rocket takes off.

The launch of the underground mine.

Atomic explosion.

The building of the White House.

American flag wavers in the wind.

General view of the building of the US Congress.

The head of the military information center Admiral Laroque says (synchronously) on the prevention of nuclear war.

Retired Admiral Carroll warns (synchronously) to a dangerous situation with missiles in Europe.

The former captain of the nuclear submarine says (synchronously) on the need to prevent nuclear war.

The pilot in the cockpit of a helicopter flying over the skyscrapers of New York.

On the roof of the house has directed music videos.

Poll passersby on the street about the attitude towards the deployment of US missiles in Europe.

Pedestrian is a man on stilts.



Reel №6

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On the roof of the house removed the clip with two dancing actors.

View of skyscrapers from the bottom up.

General view of the Presbyterian Church in New York.

Pastor William Coffin gives interviews (synchronously) on the sin of creating nuclear weapons.

Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk and Belarus says (synchronous and behind the scenes) that the church welcomes all peace initiatives.

Shooting 1982: priests from different countries participate in the Moscow conference of religious leaders for peace.

Conference presentations, meetings and discussions on the sidelines.

Church Service: priest with candles, singing the chorus.

Pastor William Coffin says in Russian about the Soviet people.

Launching of an American submarine.

The orchestra, the military salute.

Military aircraft in the sky.

Posters on military subjects.

Newsreel 1950 .: President Eisenhower speaking before a microphone.

Posters on military subjects.

The launch.

Demonstration (multrabota) functioning of Defense Initiative (SDI): the destruction of missiles in space laser beams.

Concert for Peace: the audience, posters.

American singer Harry Belafonte sings on stage.


The ensemble performs on stage Chilean songs at the microphone Soviet singer Tatiana Petrova.

Clouds race across the sky (fast mode).

Monument to the soldiers on the background of clouds in the sky.

Sea waves on the shore.

Is a demonstration.

Defenders of peace rallies with placards - different.

Clouds race across the sky (fast mode).

Man and woman riding horses on the beach.



