Let the Peace Be In Our Planet.. (1987)

Film-document №9449 1 part, Duration: 0:10:07 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Khoryakov A.


About peace initiatives of the USSR.

Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

Temporary description

The film is devoted to the preservation of peace. Landscapes. River. Sunrise, flowers in a meadow. Song of the world singing schoolgirl Natasha Kislov. Mother Natasha Kislova employee greenhouses tells students how to grow carnations. City of Moscow. Pushkin Square. Gorky Street. Old Arbat. Air cafe. Cathedrals of the Kremlin. Meeting Gorbachev and Reagan in Reykjavik. Students, scientists, the astronaut; World War II veterans are interviewed, expressed their attitude to the peace policy of the USSR. Among them: cosmonaut Alexander Alexandrov, a veteran Igor Belousov. International Forum for a nuclear-free world, the survival of humanity "in Moscow. Supports Gorbachev. "March of Peace". Pass the American and Soviet participants in the march. Children's Movement for Peace. American children at the reception of Andrei Gromyko, the presence of G. Borovik, Katia Lychev. Hermitage in Leningrad. Pictures. Pass girl, her mother holding her baby, a young family, lovers. Girls of sand make a tower. Children bathe in the sea.

Reel №1

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