Homeless. (1926)

Film-document №94737 1 part, Duration: 0:08:35 to collection Price category A
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:36

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Producer CSDF (ne ispoljzovatj)

Childhood and youth

Social life

Reel №1

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The film is about street children, their life on the streets and in institutions for homeless children.


Street the Kuznetsk Bridge: pedestrians, cabs, sitting street, ride a bus №№ "3", "1", "9", passing cars, a sign on the store: "Vintorg".

Street children begging from passers-by, stealing on the streets, sleeping on the snow.

Homeless in the bunkhouse, working in a Shoe shop.

Homeless on the lesson in the receiver the name of Kalinina.

Street girls in a boarding school at work in a sewing workshop.

Former street kids in a labor camp under the guidance of masters work in the metal workshop.

Conference of former street kids produced by Mostroferrato production.

At the podium - the Commissioner of the Moscow provincial Department of social welfare Asya Kalinina librarian.

Key words




Childhood and youth
Social life