Following the Way of Mutual Understanding and Friendship.. (1987)

Film-document №9483 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:19 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:28

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Soloveva A.

Operators: Bgancev I., Myakishev G., Orlov U.

Text writers: Lucenko N.


On the official visit of a member of the Politburo, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR NIRyzhkov with his wife in India. There were business and political negotiations, the opening of the Festival, the Delhi sightseeing, a visit to Bhilai, Ancient Agra.

Foreign policy


Temporary description

India. City of Delhi. Visiting the Soviet government delegation headed by Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR NI Ryzhkov. Atmosphere in the airport, Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi. Meeting NIRyzhkov with the President of India R. Venkataramanom, vice-president Daya Shankar Sharma. The Soviet-Indian talks. The negotiators at the table. Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi signed the agreement. Talk NIRyzhkov with the ministers of the Indian government. The opening ceremony of the monument to Lenin. The laying of wreaths at the grave site M. Gandhi. Inspection of homes and museums of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi. Ryzhkov and his entourage visiting the shop Bhilai Steel Plant. Meeting NIRyzhkov with representatives of Indian business circles, figures of science and art. Address of the Indian band in the House of Soviet Science and Culture in New Delhi. City of Agra, viewing the Taj Mahal, the mausoleum of Sultan Shah Jahan and his wife. Sightseeing in Delhi. Speech NIRyzhkov (synchronously) at a press conference. Opening ceremony of the USSR in India, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. In the government box, the two leaders. Speech NIRyzhkov (synchronous) and Rajiv Gandhi (synchronously). Concert Soviet artists. The march participants of the festival.

Reel №1

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Squares and streets of Delhi.

The fountain in the square.


Boys are on the street.

Plane taxis.

Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his entourage met at the plane President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR NI Ryzhkov, who arrived for the opening Festival of the Soviet Union in India.

NI Ryzhkov down the plane, greeted with occurring.

Remove the film and photo opportunity.

NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi are on the field airfield.

Flags of the Soviet Union and India.

Various kinds of Indian troops in the honor guard.

The orchestra performed the Soviet and Indian hymns.


The building of the presidential palace.

The meeting and conversation NI Ryzhkov, the President of India Mr.


Window in the palace.

View of the Palace.

Palace fence.

Government meeting NI Ryzhkov with Vice President Shankar Dayal Sharma, India.

House vice president.

Area of Delhi.

NI talks Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi.


Soviet and Indian participants at the negotiating table.

Area of Delhi, Soviet and Indian flags.

NI meeting Ryzhkov Finance Minister of India, Mr.


Talk NI Ryzhkov with Indian Minister of State for Human Resources, Health Narasimha Rao.

Ministers of Defense and Energy, Mr.

Pant Vasant Satkha meet with NI Ryzhkov.

Machines in front of the palace.

NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi signed an agreement on economic and technical cooperation, share folders.

The signing ceremony.

Street and area of Delhi.

The opening ceremony of the monument to VI Lenin.

NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi welcomed the audience.

Indian girls waving flags.

Camera and film correspondents removed.

Monument VI Lenin.

Memorial plaque on the burial place of the great revolutionary thinkers of our time, Mahatma Gandhi.

Laying wreaths at the burial site of Mahatma Gandhi.


NI Ryzhkov and accompanying visiting the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi.

Eternal Flame at the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi.

The house-museum of the first Prime Minister of independent India - Jawaharlal Nehru.

Security at the house-museum of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Door of the house, lantern against the window.

Room of the house.

NI Ryzhkov listening to explanations of a guide, inspect documents and photographs.

Desk Jawaharlal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru portrait.

NI Ryzhkov Memorial House-Museum Indira Gandhi.

Photos of Indira Gandhi.

Place of death of Indira Gandhi.


Laying flowers NI Ryzhkov and his wife to the place of death of Indira Gandhi.

Flowers on a memorial plate.

Reel №2

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The area of Delhi.

Says an elderly Indian woman.

Streets of New Delhi.

Girls are on the street.

Keys and screen display.

NI Ryzhkov and his entourage in the hardware metallurgical plant in Bhilai.

The rolling mill.

NI Ryzhkov in the factory shop.


Steelmakers in the furnace.

Indian steelmakers welcome NI Ryzhkov in the factory shop.

Streets of New Delhi.

NI Ryzhkov meets with representatives of the Indian business community.

NI Ryzhkov responds to questions from the audience.

The emblem of the exhibition.

NI Ryzhkov meets with the Company's assets, "Friends of the Soviet Union."

Says Indian youth.

By participants of the Indian dance group in the Russian suits.

Operators at the camera.

USSR. The Kremlin, Moscow.

Opening the festival of India in the USSR at the Cathedral Square in the Kremlin.

Is a group of Indian boys and girls with gifts.

Are the Indian participants of the ceremony.

Indian girl presents gifts MS Gorbachev and his wife.


Participants Indian Dance Ensemble at the House of Soviet Science and Culture in New Delhi.

Members of the choir sing a song in Russian.

Panels on the wall.

Agra, the architectural ensemble of the Taj Mahal.

The tomb of the Taj Mahal.

The tower and the dome of the building.

The Soviet delegation visits the territory of the Taj Mahal.

Detail of the building.

Inlaid stone; relief from a stone.


Fragment of a building of the Taj Mahal.

Street, square and park at the Red Fort.

Visitors to the area of the Red Fort.

Qutab Minar tower.

Detail of stone carving up the tower.

NI Ryzhkov and accompanying Qutab Minar visiting.


Metal column.

Removes operator.

NI Ryzhkov examines metal column.

Stone carved wall.

The people on the street of Delhi.

Says Indian youth.

Street of the city.

Press conference NI Ryzhkov.

Correspondents in the hall.

Work tape.

Says Nikolai.

The opening ceremony of the USSR in India prior to the presidential palace.

Female presented gifts NI Ryzhkov.

Girls in national costumes of the Soviet republics presented with "bread and salt" Rajiv Gandhi.

The opening ceremony of the USSR before the presidential palace in New Delhi.

The emblem of the USSR festival in India.

Reel №3

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NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi occupy space in the bed for the guests of honor at the stadium named George.


The participants stand up and applaud.

The opening of the festival at the stadium.

Fanfaristy on the field.

Bearers are carrying the stadium flags of the USSR and India.

Ranks are bearers.

On the "live" background rostrum depicted Soviet-Indian handshake.

Balloon with the word "Peace" in different languages.

Flags of the USSR and India against the sky.

Rajiv Gandhi opens the festival of the Soviet Union in India.

Listen to the participants of the festival.

Participants of the festival at the stadium.

Acts NI Ryzhkov.

Flags of the Soviet Union and India.

Participants of Soviet art program in national costumes Soviet republics at the stadium.

Dancing girl in Russian headdresses.

Applaud NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi.

Participants of the concert performed by Uzbek dance.

Spectators in the stands.

Georgian dance performed; Russian dance.

Bolshoi dancers performed a fragment of the ballet "The Nutcracker".

By participants of the carnival.

Speakers bike tightrope walkers and circus performers.

Bowl with a train takes to the skies.


Fireworks in the sky above the stadium.

In the field of the stadium is a group of members of gymnastic performances; and participants of the festival in national costumes Soviet republics.

NI Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi standing ovation.

Volley salute.