Nicaragua. February-90. (A Film "The Planet Today").. (1990)

Film-document №9833 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:02 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:52

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kochetkov A. S.

Script writers: Kochetkov A. S.

Operators: Kochetkov A. S.

Text writers: Kochetkov A. S.


About the election in the country, which resulted in the failure of Sandinist party headed by Ortega and the victory of Violetta Chamorra.

Historical background

Chronicles materials for the film were provided by the Institute of Film and Television Nicaragua.

Temporary description

General elections in Nicaragua. Fiasco Sandinista party, led by D. Ortega. B. Chemorry victory and national opposition alliance.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Says the former president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.


Landscape of Central America.

Living on the streets of the city of Granada.

It should be the seller of Coke.

Street of the city.

Newsreel 1907 .:


Streets of Nicaragua.

Photo: Augusto Sandino's face - a national hero, led the fight for the independence of Nicaragua.


Belfry; ringer rings the bell.

People in the area.

The speaker said.

Photos Sandinista revolutionaries.

Says well-known economist Francisco Mayorga.

Looking girl.

The prison of Tipitapa.


Men distribute and read an exemption certificate.

Exemption Certificate.

Woman hugging young man.

Man with children in their arms.


It is a woman.

Ruined city (after the earthquake in 1972).

Destroyed buildings.

Stray Dog.

A woman holds a baby girl.

Street Managua.

The boys on the street.

Demonstration of the Sandinistas in the street.


Residents of the city with banners.

The man in the square.

See boy.

Residents of the city to demonstrate the Sandinistas.

Parliament Building.

Deputies of the conservative Democratic Party.

Says the presidential candidate of the conservative Democratic Party of Eduardo Molina.

Hall of Parliament.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Says presidential candidate, leader of the Revolutionary United Moises Hassan.




Says the chairman of the Independent High Electoral Council Moriah Fialos.



Advertise with the image of Daniel Ortega.

Dancing in the street.

Woman singing.

Raised hands dancing.

Removes operator.

Says the editor of "Barricade", which supports the Sandinista Front Carlos Fernando Chamorro.

Newspaper "La Prensa".

The building of the newspaper "La Prensa".

Portrait of the founder and publisher of the newspaper "La Prensa" Pedro Joaquin Chamorro.

Funeral Joaquin Chamorro 1978 portrait of his wife Violeta Chamorro.


Violeta Chamorro.

Living in Managua at the rally.


Speakers at the podium.

Said Vice President Verhilio Godoy.

Residents of the city elections.

Votes Daniel Ortega.