Into a Primeval Forest with the Mysterious Moon…. (1990)

Film-document №9836 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:35 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:20

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1, 2;

1 2

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Orekhov V.

Script writers: Orekhov V.

Operators: Kuznecov I.


About Vasily Ivanovich Shevchenko, an artist from the city of Lipetsk.

Visual Arts | Artists

Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Artist VI Shevchenko Street - CU. (Time-lapse photography).

Car ride - LS., PNRM. (With motion) (time-lapse photography).

Painting - CU., Hitting, PNRM.

Painting - LS.

Painting - CU., Hitting.

Paintings - CU., Leaving and hitting.

Painting - CU., PNRM., Departure.

Shevchenko is the street - MS., PNRM.

Shevchenko Street - MS., PNRM.

House, PNRM. the windows, run over by the window Shevchenko - MS.

Animation: a window - CU.

The boy at the window - MS., Hitting, PNRM.

Rooster - CU., PNRM.

Ran legs - CU., PNRM.

Wagon rides, flying "snakes» - MS., PNRM.

"Snake" in the air - CU., PNRM.

The boy runs "snake» - MS., Hitting.

Birds in the sky - MS., PNRM.

Boats on the shore, the shore of the reservoir - CU.

Shevchenko is considering a tree - CU., Hitting, PNRM. on the hand.

Hands - CU.

Shevchenko - CU.

Photo Shevchenko - CU.

DJing, PNRM. on Shevchenko - CU.

Animation: woman pours milk boy drinks - CU.

Shevchenko goes against a poster with the NDP - MS., PNRM.

Passes Shevchenko, PNRM. Hall of Fame with the NDP - MS.

Shevcheneko - CU.

House - LS.

Window - CU.

Mud River - CU., PNRM.

Burning garbage in the river - LS., Departure.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Painting - CU., Hitting.

Painting - CU.

Painting - CU., Departure.

Paintings - CU., PNRM., Departure.

Paintings - CU., PNRM., Departure.

Shevchenko - CU.

Hands paint a picture - MS., PNRM., Hitting.

Shevchenko - CU.

Shevchenko at work - LS.

Dog - CU.

Hand draws - CU., PNRM.

Shevchenko draws - LS.

Children are running, flying "snakes» - LS., PNRM.

Painting - CU.

Paintings - CU.

Painting - CU., Hitting.

Shevchenko on the balcony - LS.

Hand draws - LS., PNRM.

Shevchenko selects pictures - MS., PNRM.

Shevchenko draws - MS., PNRM.

Shevchenko at the picture - LS.

Paintings, the paintings Shevchenko - CU., PNRM.

Shevchenko, the paintings, gets up, goes away - MS.

Painting - CU.

Painting - CU., Hitting.

Painting - CU., Departure.

Paintings - CU.

Paintings - CU., PNRM., Departure.

Movie №0