It Is Merry in One's Mind.. (1990)

Film-document №9837 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:30 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 2 digitized in HD 0:09:56

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Sadchikova M.

Operators: Sosnickiy U.


About the first All-Union Festival of the National Chore Music.


Culture and Arts

Temporary description

The film about the participants of the First All-Union Festival of Russian choral music - the State Academic Russian Choir USSR Moscow Chamber Choir, State Academic Male Choir of Estonia, Kaunas State Choir, Women's Chamber Choir music school in Gori, Moscow Choral School named AV Sveshnikov, Russian spiritual music ensemble "Blagovest" male chorus "Illuminator" Moscow Patriarchate Chamber Choir of Russian Music Foundation 1000 anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church. Choir rehearsals and performances. Conducted by: Vladimir Minin, V. Popov, Urman, GV Sviridov. Landscapes of the church. Horse-cart passes a church. The cemetery near the church. Sexton in the bell tower of the church. The priest is on the road.

Reel №1

Conductor of the choir Minin.

Appear out of focus choristers.


Conducted by Minin.


Girl harp tunes.

Woman conductor.

Choir rehearsal.

The man's face.

Hands button up strap shoe.

Girl doing her hair.

Girl straightens beads; others are ready to go on stage.

Girl paints her lips.

Members of the choir preparing for the performance.

Man climbs the stairs.

Children's Choir in rehearsal.

See the spectators.

Children's Choir Conductor Popov gives instructions.

Soloist sings children's choir.


Men dress.

The man in the mirror.

Conductor of the choir Urmon standing at the window.

Hands of the clock.

Workers are arranged chairs on the stage.


Conductor with the choir.

Hands holding a note.

Sings the chorus.

Soloist sings.

Reel №2

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On the scene a choir conductor Sviridov and his choir.

On the stage choruses different republics (Armenia, Georgia).

On the stage of the choir boys.

Minin Choir performs "Chimes" Gavrilina, timpani.

Conducts G. Ernesoks.

It should be a female Georgian choir; conductor.

On the stairs are singers from various choirs.

Persons singers.

Music Choir "Blagovest".

Sings the chorus Fly "Illuminator".

Chamber Choir sings fund the 1000th anniversary of the Russian Church, columns and chandeliers.

Service in the temple, and water alley.

Women's Choir sings from Yerevan.

The boy's face.

Choristers in the locker room.

Conducts P. Bingyalis.

Sings the chorus.

Soloist sings "Kaunas choir."

Estonian male choir on stage (filmed from behind, conductor).

Estonian choir leaves the room.

Choristers on the stairs.

Conducted by Minin.

Choir on stage.

Sings the chorus Minin.



Conductor of the choir Sviridov goes around the room, bowing.

Flowers on the desk.

Minin leaving the stage, accepting congratulations.

Portraits of Composers.

Reel №3

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