Comrades-in-Arms. (1990)

Film-document №9842 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:31 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:37

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Popov G.

Script writers: Pyaterikova N.

Operators: Zhukovskiy A.


About the condition of the lower element of law-enforcement authorities by the example of the local militia department.

Temporary description

Moscow. Change of guard of honor at the Lenin Mausoleum (night scene). One of the temples. Believers, the audience at the church at Easter. Procession. Police and SWAT protect public order in the church. Movement of patrol police car at night. Fight (synchronously). Policemen separate and arrest participants. Police patrol in one of the apartments. Drunk male alcoholics in the apartment and the entrance of a house on the street. Drunken delay and lead to a police station. The police department. Meeting with Chief of Department (synchronously). Duty to separate the minutes on the detained drunk (synchronously). Wine shop. Turn. The police officers in the back room, delay loader. Interrogation at the police station porter (synchronously). The investigator is questioning bum-recidivist thief. Other detainees. Interrogations (synchronously). Police officers at the scene. There is a district. Inspection of the scene. The taking of testimony of witnesses (synchronously). Review of district police stations.

Reel №1

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Changing of the guard at the mausoleum of Lenin - MS., PNRM. on the Spasskaya Tower (night).

The chimes of the Spassky Tower - CU., Hitting.

People at the church - LS.; Outside the church wall - MS. (Night).

People with candles in church - CU.

Religious procession at the church - MS.

The church are the police - MS.

Policeman in a patrol car - CU., PNRM.

The car stops, the police separate the fighters, drag them into a police car - LS., PNRM.

Policemen are and go through the apartment, into the room, talking to a drunk man in the room (synchronous) - Various.

The policeman is trying to raise a drunk lying on the stairs, talking to him (synchronous) - MS.

Boys on the landing look and laugh-MS., PNRM.

Drunken jacket covers the head and lies - MS.

Policemen are hung on the stand at the police department wanted posters - MS., CU.

Meeting in the office of the chief of the police station (synchronous) - MS., LS., PNRM.

The policemen dragged the drunk out of the car, pushed him to the door of the police station, the door closes - MS.

Reel №2

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Duty at the police station talking to a drunk (synchronously) - MS.

The queue at the liquor store, past the queue is a police officer (in civilian clothes) - MS.

Boxes with bottles in the back room - LS.

Police officers in the back room store are porter store to the police car, put it, sit yourself - LS., MS., PNRM.

Policemen interrogated at the police station porter (synchronous) - MS., Hitting., PNRM.

Duty in the police said a drunk (synchronous) - MS.

Another policeman interrogates bum (synchronously), homeless undresses and shows a tattoo on the body - MS.

Police officers on the street talking to a machine - MS.

Police officers take fingerprints of homeless - MS.

In the building of the police station is administered drunk - LS.

The policeman enters the chamber, talking to detainees (synchronously) - CU., PNRM.

The policeman on duty at the control - MS.

In the hallway of the police station sits an old woman - LS.

2nd police station: doctor talking on the phone, with a policeman (synchronous) - MS., PNRM.

A police officer in the office of interrogating detainees (synchronous) - MS.

On the detainee handcuffed, put into a police car - MS., CU.

Reel №3

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Policeman talking to the old man (synchronous) and examines his apartment - MS., PNRM. the woman.

The policeman in plain clothes policeman said the detention of the offender (synchronous) - MS., CU., PNRM. at the entrance.

Cap with a bullet hole in the hands of a policeman - CU.

The window in the room, bullet holes in the wall - CU., PNRM.

Passing a police car - MS.

The policeman is detained on the street - MS.

The policeman opens the closet in the room, a woman comes out.

Covers the face - MS.

Policeman with a drunk on the landing - MS.

Policeman with a flashlight examines traces on the ground - CU.

The corpse of the young men in the apartment on the floor, police officers inspect the apartment, take notes - MS.

The policeman in plain clothes (detained offender) is the entrance, up the stairs - MS., PNRM.

The policeman says, showing a ruined apartment (synchronous), PNRM. the stairwell - MS.

The policeman, sitting with his wife on the bed, says (synchronously) - MS.

Corridor, PNRM. the room - CU.

Line at the liquor store (out of the patrol car) - LS.

The policemen at the entrance to the wine shop - MS., CU., PNRM.

An old woman enters the store - MS., Departure.

Review of district police stations: police line up, march - LS., MS., PNRM., CU.