National culture

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Topics: National culture

111 documents,

Legend of Whitewater. (2001)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:47 to collection S 4/19/2024

Landscapes southern Gorny Altai mountains, valley Uymena, Katun River, life of Old Believers, Uymenskoy inhabitants of the valley, the religious rites of the Old Believers and the original inhabitants of the Altai Valley residents talk about their lives.

In the film, shot villagers: Upper Uymena, Cartoons, quietly ail Mendur-Sokkon.

Historical note
Old Believers began to flee to the Altai in the middle of the XVII century., After the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon.

Religion | National culture | Social life | Culture and Arts

Valdai - pure water. (1994)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:23 to collection G 4/10/2023

The picturesque nature of the Valdai region, its distinctive history and culture.

In figuratively - poetic form recreated ancient rites and crafts Valdai residents.

National culture | Russian cities and regions | Nature films | Culture and Arts | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

All is not lost. ("Global pressure - II"). (1988)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:03 to collection L 4/6/2023

About the originality of national cultures, representing different continents, their problems are well-known people from different countries of the world: the writer G. Marquez, a Japanese musician, Asuci Akutagawa, the Mexican artist Alberto Beltran, Indian actor Shashi Kapoor and many others.

National culture | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

From the Neva river to the Amur. (1991)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:22 to collection G 3/29/2023

Обзорный фильм - за 30 минут от Невы до Амура, по маршруту: Ленинград - Валаам - Кижи - Загорск - Казань - Саратов - Северная Осетия - деревни на реке Обь - Томск - Бурятия - Приамурье - Хабаровск.

Фильм рассказывает о народах, населяющих Россию, их культуре, традициях, народных промыслах.

Russian cities and regions | National culture | Culture and Arts | Folk Art | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

The Art Of Russia. (1982)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:15 to collection G 3/24/2023

Фильм рассказывает о национальном искусстве народов, населяющих РСФСР. В фильме участвуют Е. Образцова, С. Бондарчук, И. Глазунов, В. Спиваков, ансамбль Махмуда Эсамбаева, Северный русский народный хор, чукотский писатель Ю. Рытхэу и дагестанский поэт Р. Гамзатов.

Culture and Arts | National culture | Persons of arts | Ballet | Music | Literature | Visual Arts | Biography

And I remember your stories and songs. (1991)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:09 to collection G 3/1/2021

Salam!. (1968)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:36 to collection G 3/1/2021

Seagulls above the water.

A pleasure boat on the river.

Pioneers at the monument to Lenin in Kazan.

The building of Kazan University.

The pioneer detachment is heading to the house-museum of V.I. Lenin.

A plaque on the house.

A panorama of the faces of the singing pioneers.


Childhood and youth | Concerts | National culture | Social life | Culture and Arts

Paint Sabantuy. (1976)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:19:50 to collection G 3/1/2021

The Concert Of Young Talents.. (1977)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:12 to collection C 1/24/2020

On the final concert of the All-Union festival of amateur October 7, 1977 in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

National culture | Concerts | Culture and Arts

Everyone floats and floats clouds. (2001)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:33 to collection G 7/26/2019

The film tells about the life and works of Tatar poet and writer, Hassan Tufan.

Biography | Literature | Persons of arts | National culture | Culture and Arts

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