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Myrrh. (2004)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:03 to collection S 4/19/2024

The story of the rebuilding of the temple by two residents of the village chevrotain Tula region.

Religion | Russian cities and regions | Social life | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

The silence of infinite city. (2004)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:20:00 to collection S 4/19/2024

For example, the capital of Russia the film covers the history of changes in the appearance and morality of the nation as a whole, affecting the return of a lost spirituality and humanity.

Moscow | History | Social life | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Soldiers. (2004)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection S 4/19/2024

The film tells the story of the temple of the Holy Reverend Elijah of Murom Vlasikha about working with soldiers missile forces.

Army | Religion | Defense and internal security | Social life

Moscow 50s. (1950 - 1959)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:11 to collection B 4/14/2024

Ballerina Galina Ulanova sits in the car "Victory."

Traffic on the streets of Moscow.

Rest of the Soviet people. (1930 - 1989)

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Footage, 8 footages, Duration: 0:13:19 to collection B 4/7/2024

Children slide down the hill.

Children at the pool.

Pioneers on a boat floating on a river.

Children at summer camp.

Men playing ping-pong (table tennis) at the hostel.

Sailing canoes on the River.

Man water skiing.


theme (1997) 05/09/1997

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:38:06 to collection V2 3/28/2024

Program theme: Sexual education.

Guests in the studio: Sergei Ogarkov - a sex-therapist.

Igor Kon - a psychologist, sexologist.

Pavel Gusev is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets.

The main issues discussed in the studio:

1. What clauses of the law "On limiting the turnover of products and services of a sexual nature in the Russian Federation", caused a stormy reaction and debate during the discussion in the State Duma?

2.What happens if this law?


theme (1993) 09/21/1993

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Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:25:37 to collection V2 3/28/2024

Start the program.

The topic of conversation is sex business in Russia.

Visiting the program is writer Yuri Polyakov, chief editor of the men's magazine "Andrey" Alexey Weizler, sexologists Igor Kon and Sergey Agarkov.

What is the sex business in Russia and what areas of this industry are known to the ordinary man in the street?

What is the fundamental difference between erotica and pornography?

Does modern looseness harm youth education?

Public opinion and storyline about the work of Russia's first intimate store "Intim" (interview with director Tatyana Agarkova).

100th anniversary of the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute named after N. Bauman. (1930)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:44 to collection B 3/25/2024

Building MMMI Bauman.

Monument to N. Bauman at the entrance to the college.

Students of the Institute for the lectures of Professor L. Smirnov.

World War 2. (1939 - 1941)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:45 to collection B 3/25/2024

From the station sent a trainload of German soldiers, a column of German soldiers marched through the streets of European cities.

The girls throw flowers to German soldiers.

On the road passes a column of German tanks.

German soldiers on the ladder climb aboard.

Passing convoy of trucks with soldiers.

The columns of German soldiers held at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Face of a young German soldier - close-up.

XV Olympic Games in Helsinki.. (1952)

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Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:20 to collection B 3/25/2024

The fans in the audience.

The final meeting of Greco-Roman wrestling fighters lightweight S. Safina (USSR) and Frey (Sweden).

S. Safin on the podium, he handed the gold medal.

The judge declared the winner of the final meeting of the heavyweight champions - Soviet fighter II Kotkasa.

I. Kotkas on the podium, I. Kotkasa rewarding.

The opening ceremony XV Olympic Games - the parade of athletes, spectators under umbrellas in the stands of the stadium, athlete runs with the Olympic torch.

Stadium in Helsinki - shot from the top point.

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