New information about the end of the world. (1991)

Film-document №40380 8 parts, Duration: 0:09:54 to collection Price category G
  • Parts
  • 2
Title image

Part 2 digitized in HD 0:09:55

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: B.Kustov

Script writers: Suvorov

Operators: Kustov


The film shows how popular astrology, spiritualism, various healing practices and so on were in the society of the late 80s and early 90s.

Society, social activities and community organizations | Restructuring

Social life | History

Reel №1


Key words






Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A frame from the movie " The Man with the gun (1938).

The screen saver of the Time program.

This is the announcer speaking.

Moscow, winter, Red Square.

Snow is falling.

There are photographers on the square, people are walking.

A man is in a room, sitting at a table.

There is an aquarium with water on the table, a candle, a lamp is burning, a poster-calendar with a sheep of 1991 is on the wall.

A frame from the movie "The Sixth of July" (1968).

Large - says Pavel Globa.

Large-scale astrological maps of the October Revolution.

Large - says Pavel Globa.

There is a telescope, the doors are moving apart, a view of the street.

Pavel Globa speaks.

The general plan is a shooting of Pavel Globa's speech in an empty hall of the planetarium.

Pavel Globa speaks.

Another astrologer explains the coat of arms of the USSR from the point of view of occultism and black magic.

Pavel Globa speaks.


Says another astrologer.

There is a telescope-the doors opening the view of the street are closed.

The starry sky.

Pavel Globa speaks.

A picture of Lenin, a man reading a magazine on the street.

Paintings with half-naked girls hang on the fence for sale.

A man does yoga in the cold.

B/w shooting-the Sausage store, a huge queue at the entrance, a rally near the restaurant on Manezhnaya Square.

Some strange healer with a white bandage on his head is reading prayers in an incomprehensible language in the room, a man is lying on the bed, people are sitting next to him with candles.

A man with equipment inspects the walls.

A man with a bandage on his head conducts a ritual of exorcism, a magic circle with symbols is drawn on the floor with chalk.

A man in a blindfold is casting spells, photos are lying on a stool in front of him.

A man with a bandage on his head is sitting in a room and talks about the radiation from the photos.

He has photos of Marx, Lenin, Gorbachev in his hands.

A man with a bandage on his head quotes the Satanic verses of Karl Marx.

There are people with candles in the room.

Large - the hands of the "healer".

A frame from the movie "A year like life" (1966).

People are sitting at a table in the red Lenin room with portraits of leaders and communist slogans, evoking the spirit of Lenin.

A frame from the movie "Lenin in 1918" (1939).

A seance, summon the spirit of Lenin, move the saucer.

Hitting the portrait of Lenin.

Moscow, evening, city streets.

Key words

Astrology Psychics


Globa P. P. - astrolog





Life and leisure; Religion
Social life

Reel №3


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