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Topics: Restructuring

44 documents,

Between the past and the future. (1990)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:48:07 to collection G 3/1/2021

An orchestra is playing outside.

May Day demonstration of workers on the streets of Kazan.

Monument to Lenin.

An oil pump.

Oil dripping from the pipe.

Freight train with tanks.

Drilling a well.


Restructuring | Construction | Industry | History | Sectors of the economy

Time to collect stones, or your own utility room. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:13 to collection G 3/1/2021

Demonstration with flags(photo)

Photos of Khrushchev and Stalin.

A fish shop window .

Khrushchev in the presidium of a meeting demonstrates corn (photo).

Tractor in the field (photo).

L. Brezhnev in the field (photo).

Brezhnev is awarded another Hero's star (photo).


Restructuring | Industry | Agriculture | Sectors of the economy | History

Leningrad chronicles 1989 № 2 "Russia without fools, or from the USSR with love"

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:58 to collection G 10/24/2019

Reflections on the theme of perestroika, democracy, the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the General economic situation in the country.

Restructuring | Domestic policy | Social life | Sectors of the economy | History | Policy

Rethinking. (1988)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:30 to collection G 7/20/2019

The film tells about how to change people's views on the history of their country in the conditions of perestroika and glasnost, the search for ways of managing in the context of renewed traversed by a country road.

Restructuring | Policy | History

Volga lights 1989 № 7 Country history

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:57 to collection G 3/30/2018

The issue tells about the socio-political situation in the village of Yazykovka in the Atkarsky district of the Saratov region on the eve of the elections of People's deputies of the USSR.

Authorities and management | Policy | Restructuring | State institutions | History

Volga lights 1991 № 35

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:24 to collection G 3/28/2018

About privatization at the Saratov Aviation Plant

Volga lights 1990 № 7 Before the elections.The January chronicle.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection G 3/23/2018

The issue is dedicated to the election campaign in Saratov, candidate V. I. Vlaskin.

Domestic policy | Restructuring | Policy | History

Volga lights 1988 № 14 Human factor.What is it?

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:07 to collection G 3/19/2018

The issue is dedicated to the problems and achievements in the development of the social sphere in the Saratov region.

Social life | Restructuring | History

Volga lights 1987 № 2 Volgograd Tractor Works. Time of change Part 2

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection G 2/14/2018

Issue devoted to the problems of the Volgograd tractor plant for the production of a new tractor "Volgar" and prospects of development of the plant in conditions of perestroika.

Sectors of the economy | Restructuring | History

Characters and performers. (1986)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:47 to collection G 2/5/2018

The film tells about the first secretary of the Volzhsky District Committee of the Komsomol of Saratov, Alexander Orlov, and the problems that arise during the Komsomol work in the era of perestroika.

Activities of the Komsomol | Restructuring | Russian cities and regions | Domestic policy | Policy | History | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

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