A message of hope. (1984)

Film-document №40916 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:27 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:51

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

1 2 3 4 5

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Urickij B.

Script writers: Shejnin B.

Operators: Lamberg V., Smirnov E.

Composers: Babushkin V.


A film about a new space system of search of crash vessels and aircrafts - the KOSPAS system - being developed in the USSR.

Sea and river transport | Special services | Space programs

Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Defense and internal security | Space

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Sea waves, a flock of seagulls.

People do exercises on the breakwater.

Waves breaking on the shore.

A small child in the water.

Boy designs ship.

Maritime School students tested model ships.

Students in the classroom.

The orchestra.

Dancing couples.

Monument to Duke de Richelieu in Odessa Primorsky Boulevard.

The Potemkin Stairs.

Sailors cadets go through the park.

Seniors on a park bench.

Students climb the stairs.

Artists in the open air.


The movement of ships in the port.

Flags on a ship.


Passenger ship departs from the wharf.

View from the side of the embankment.

Tugboat and freighter coming into the port.

The ship in the sea.

View from the side of the cargo ship.

Sailor watching mooring vessel.

Our people on the dock.

People climb aboard.

Chronicle of 1964:

People on the waterfront in the port the ship enters.

Meeting the survivors after the collapse of the cargo ship "Uman".

The descent of a wreath on the water.


Pages of newspapers.

Alternating man rings the bell shots chronicle the different years of maritime disasters.

Pages of newspapers with pictures.

List of shipwrecks.

Jules Verne novel "Children of Captain Grant", the book opens.

Frames feature film "Children of Captain Grant" (1936, directed by V.P.Vaynshtok).

The book is closed.


Gutman DG - Soviet film and theater actor, theater director, maker of miniatures theaters.
Strelkova MP - Soviet actress, teacher, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.
MF Romanov - Soviet film and theater actor, theater director, master of artistic expression, the People's Artist of the USSR.
Vytautas NM - Soviet film and theater actor.







Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Radio towers.

The signalers send and receive messages.


Alternation: signalers stop transmission, the silence in the air, ocean views from the ship.

Alarm clock.

Arctic icebreaker.

The fire on the ship.

Passenger ships in the sea.

A cruise ship.

Passengers dine in the restaurant.

The concert disco on board.

Stills of the film: the burning craft, passenger evacuation, the explosion on the deck.


LED lamp.

Passengers in the restaurant.

The crew on the bridge.

Radio Room.

Signaller sends a message.

Tells GSTitov.

Model of space satellite in the pavilion "Space" at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

EPIRB system "Cospas".

Animation: the description of the operating principle of the system.

Experts dismantled beacon.


Scientist examines a buoy.

Domestic appliance device.

Test on a shaker.

Tests in a climate chamber.

Tests in water.


The emblem of a foreign company.


GS Titov - Astronaut, 2nd Soviet man in space, Doctor of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Hero of the Soviet Union.



Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Chronicle 1982: Journalists transmit messages about the progress of the meeting.

Moscow House of Trade Unions.

At the microphone Yu.S.Atserov.

There is a meeting of the "Cospas-Sarsat" International Coordination Group.

The circulation of the newspaper in printing house.

Selling newspapers.

Newspaper pages.

Chronicle of 1975:

Mission Control Center.

The spacecraft in orbit.

The ship is at the dock.

Alternation: observers in PCO, meeting astronauts.

Astronaut with a commemorative medal.

Tells GSTitov.

Foreign guests visited the pavilion "Space" at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

Meeting with designers beacons.

The final day of the Coordination Group, the signing of documents.

The emblem of the combined system "COSPAS-SARSAT".

Animation: a description of the system.

Scientists painted on banners.

Interviews with participants in the meeting.

Test Chronicle 1982: Launch of the rocket into space, at the conclusion of the system of the satellite orbit "Cospas-Sarsat."

Satellite dishes.

Sea Island on the horizon.

Sea view from the nose of the ship.

The crew on the bridge.


The crew checks the clock.

Enabling emergency beacon.

Animation: a satellite in space.


GS Titov
Atserov YS - Honorary Worker of Marine Fleet of the USSR, Honorary Telecommunications Worker of the USSR, Chairman of the All-Union Mossvyazsputnik.


1982 07.1975





Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Satellite antenna.

Receiving a data item from the satellite.

Specialists receive information.

A ship at sea.

Seaman out to the deck and brings in the coordinates.

The view from the lower deck up.

Beacon thrown overboard.

The buoy in the water.

The frames feature films: A single-engine plane in the sky.

Emergency landing in the snow.

Fire on board, a man tries to extinguish the fire.

The pilots leave the plane.

People run away, the plane explodes.

Airplane with a smoking engine.

Emergency landing in the mountains.

People set beacon in the forest.

Arctic sunset.


Beacon in ice.

Fog over mountain lake.

People climb the mountain.

plane flies in the sky.

Installation of buoys on the cliff.

Animation: space satellite.

Powered satellite communications equipment.

Moscow communication center.

Employment data center, data processing on a computer.

Sending messages via telex.

Edition of the newspaper.

Learning how to work with the system.


Clashing ships fire.

The crew is preparing for evacuation.

People in the water.

Inflated liferaft.

Enabling emergency beacon.

Animation: space satellite.

Satellite communication antennas.

Stages of the signal and relief.

The crew of a rescue vessel.

Alternation: colliding ships approach rescuers evacuated.

Fire fighting.

Foam on the water around the stricken ship.


1982 26.08.1983





Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Articles in newspapers.

North sea port, harbor cranes.


Tells M.I.Shevelev.

Icebreaker is paving the way to the sea.

Seaman checks beacon.

Alternation: a helicopter over the mountains, a journalist V.Taratorkin, photos in newspapers.

Helicopter over the mountains.

The grass bends in the wind.

Landing a helicopter.

Sea shore.

An elderly seaman with a dog.

Waves lapping on the shore.

People are asking about vehicles at the information desk.

The orchestra.

Dancing couples.

Arctic icebreaker.

Man looking through binoculars.

People walking down the stairs.

Communications center.

The water in the ice road.

Ice floes in the cold.


Sea view in the late evening.

Couple on a deck.

The name of the ship.

Communication equipment.


The duty on the bridge.

View of the sunset from the ship.


M. Shevelev - Lieutenant General Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union, the head of the polar aviation Glavsevmorputi.



