Space programs

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Topics: Space programs

25 documents,

Ready to start. (1975)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:12 to collection G 4/26/2023

The story about the preparations for the joint flight of Soviet and American astronauts by the program "Soyuz-Apollo".

Space programs | Space

Venus Sturm. (1969)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:10 to collection G 6/16/2016

The film is about the new achievements of Soviet science and technology, a new step to the disclosure of the secrets of the universe.

Space programs | Conquest of Space | Science | Space

Space test. (1969)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:46 to collection G 3/17/2016

Scientific-popular film dedicated test pilot, astronaut G.T.Beregovomu and space flight manned spacecraft "Soyuz-3" in October 1968.

The film was shot automatic docking of the satellite "Cosmos-186", "Kosmos-188", "Kosmos-212", "Kosmos-213" splashdown automatic station "Zond-5" and G.T.Beregovogo work on the ship "Union -3 ".

Heroes of Space | Space | Space programs | Biography

Earth close-up. (1977)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection G 9/17/2015

The film tells the story of the development of special equipment for taking pictures from space, the international experiment "Rainbow" in orbit, the development of a technique infallible reading space photos.

Space | Space programs

Space orbit "of the world". (1987)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:45 to collection G 9/15/2015

The film is about the creation and launch of the space station "Mir".

The story of the creation of various space stations, on the improvement of interstellar technology, the work of astronauts and scientists.

Space | Space programs

A message of hope. (1984)

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Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:27 to collection G 7/24/2014

A film about a new space system of search of crash vessels and aircrafts - the KOSPAS system - being developed in the USSR.

Sea and river transport | Special services | Space programs | Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Defense and internal security | Space

Secrets of Phobos.. (1988)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:08 to collection G 6/15/2014

A new space experiment "Phobos".

Shows a simulation phases of flight, the spacecraft launch and others (about the fascinating history associated with the opening of a satellite of Mars - Phobos.

On the space enterprise snsta preparation for the experiment "Phobos".

Two stations were to fly up to Mars conduct his research, and then begin a rapprochement with Phobos landed him landers.

Continuation of this film was the motion picture "Phobos: success or failure?")

Science | Space | Space programs

The first international "Soyuz" - "Apollo.". (1975)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:25 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is about the implementation of the Soviet-American space project "Soyuz - Apollo" spacecraft flight "Soyuz" and "Apollo" with a crew consisting of - A.A.Leonova, V.N.Kubasova, T.Stafforda, D.Sleytona, V.Branda.

The film features footage shot in space A.A.Leonovym, V.N.Kubasovym, T.Staffordom, D.Sleytonom, V.Brandom.

Space | Space programs

Thirty million degrees in the shade.. (1977)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:34 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film is about uncovering the secrets of solar flares and the cooperation of various countries in the international program "Intercosmos".

Historical note
In the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution a group of employees of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences for his work on the X-ray radiation was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Space | Space programs | Science

USSR - India. Stellar profit.. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:28 to collection G 6/15/2014

The film focuses on joint preparation and the space flight of Russian and Indian cosmonauts.

Conquest of Space | Space programs | International cooperation | Space

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