Secrets of Phobos.. (1988)

Film-document №48827 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:07 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:29

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Director: V.Ivanov A.Stapran

Script writers: Pelehov P.

Operators: V.Ivanov Yu.Kryuchkov


A new space experiment "Phobos". Shows a simulation phases of flight, the spacecraft launch and others (about the fascinating history associated with the opening of a satellite of Mars - Phobos. On the space enterprise snsta preparation for the experiment "Phobos". Two stations were to fly up to Mars conduct his research, and then begin a rapprochement with Phobos landed him landers. Continuation of this film was the motion picture "Phobos: success or failure?")

Science | Space | Space programs

Reel №1

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The film tells about a joint project of scientists from 12 countries and the European space Agency on the preparation and launch of spacecraft "Phobos-1" and "Fobos-2" to Mars exploration,Martian moon of Phobos and Mars space.

The surface of Mars, a satellite of Mars, Phobos, the surface of Phobos (satellite imagery).

Portrait of the English writer J. swift (engraving).

A group of scientists from different countries working in the lab.

The spacecraft "Phobos" in a production environment.

Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. L. Barsukov study gives an interview in which speaks of the importance of studies of small celestial bodies (synchronously).

Tomography of the nucleus of comet Halley.

Animation illustrating the spacecraft several generations.

Computer graphics illustrating the trajectory of the spacecraft "Phobos".

Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. M. Kovtunenko gives an interview in which talks about the design and operation of the spacecraft "Phobos".

Model of the spacecraft "Phobos".

Key words

Scientific communications. Astronomy and Space.

Reel №2

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An interview with the Hungarian scientist I. Apathy (simultaneously in Hungarian lang.) and the French scientist F. Masa (synchronously in French lang.) the tasks of the expedition.

Doctor of technical Sciences G. G. Managadze gives an interview in which talks about the device of the spacecraft "Phobos" (synchronous).

Scientists, journalists at the mission control Center.

Computer graphics illustrating the trajectory of the flight of the spacecraft "Phobos" and the reset of the apparatus of the two landers on the surface of Phobos.

Booster moving on a special platform on the launch pad of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Rocket at the start.

The blast-off.

The flags of the countries participating in the project to study Phobos.