Space orbit "of the world". (1987)

Film-document №56119 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:45 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:39

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Director: Antonov D.

Operators: Afanasjev V., Tazetdinov V.


The film is about the creation and launch of the space station "Mir". The story of the creation of various space stations, on the improvement of interstellar technology, the work of astronauts and scientists.

Space | Space programs

Reel №1

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Types of Earth from space stations.


Animation: the station floating in space.

Astronauts working.

Corpus station.

Rocket launch.

Animation: launch of the first satellite.

Chronicle of 1960:

Cosmonauts ready to fly.

Fire under the nozzles.

Painted Space Station.

Chronicle of 1971:

Astronauts move in the compartments.

The view from the window.

Scientists talk near a model of the orbital station "Salyut".

Meeting scientists.

Spare parts for plant equipment.

Scientists carrying items on a special table.

The new model in the development of the station.

Astronauts greet a colleague.

International crew working aboard the station.

Space images.

Animation: the station floating in space above the Earth.

Scientific passes in front of the camera.

Blocks of a new space station.

Animation: station moves in space and provides alerts.

Rocket launch.

Animation: the orbital station "Mir" space, the base unit.

View of Earth from space.

Opens the hatch compartment passes astronaut. V.A.Solovev at the controls. L.D.Kizim with a camera gets to the porthole.

The view from the window. V.A.Solovev into another compartment.

Living and working space station.

Animation: the passage of the communication signals from the station via satellite.

Astronauts Yu.V.Romanenko A.I.Laveykin and talk with the scientists.

The first research module of station "Quantum".

Animation: the structure of the international orbiting X-ray observatory, on board the "Quantum".

Animation: the station flies up the starry sky.

Those scientists.

Specialists of the Design Bureau.

Scientists are working on a station module.

Lights in the dark.

Those scientists.


Yuri Gagarin - Cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Kizim LD - Cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
VA Solovyov - Cosmonaut, scientist, designer, doctor of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Y. Romanenko - Cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
Laveykin AI - Astronaut, instructor, test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union, deputy director of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.


1960s 1971 1987 20.02.1986

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The unit system of oxygen. L.D.Kizim works at the station.

Scientists are working on a station module.

On-board computers.

Scientists at work.

View of Earth from space.

Animation: the module docking with the station, the departure of the transport unit, the station is drifting in space.

Animation: the starry sky, the stars approach of the telescope.

Specialists of the Institute of Space Research of the USSR Academy process data.

Says the head of the experiment R.A.Syunyaev.

Picture: space station above the Earth.

Scientists at work.

Scientists are studying the printout of the results of research.

Animation: the mark on the picture.

Launch pad.

Booster "Energy".

The rocket on the monitor.

The launch May 15, 1987.

Fire rocket trail disappears into the sky.

Animation: Space Station floating among the stars, the astronaut returned to the board.


Kizim LD - Cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
RA Sunyaev - An astrophysicist, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Space Research Institute, director of the Astrophysics Institute of the Max Planck Society in Garching.


1986-1987 15.05.1987